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Home of Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales

Coming Events

Mrs. Gonzales' Weekly Assignments

Mr. Gonzales' Weekly Assignments

Spelling List

Extra Credit

Student Gallery

Chat Corner

Student Grades

Our Family

Spring is Here!

It's Almost Summer...

Yes, the year is almost at an end, and time for deficiencies again. This is the time that it is most important to stay on top of the school work. It is critical to end the year on a positive note. We are trying to keep this site updated. Please send us an email if you have questions/complaints.

To help you end the year on a high point we are trying to keep our weekly assignments updated so you can stay current on the day to day assignments as well. The assignments may vary slightly to what is given in class, but this will give you a good idea of what is due. The links to the left (in the yellow) will navigate you through our different sites. That way you are able to get your homework in on time.

The first link "Coming Events" will contain such items as upcoming projects or events as well as dates to remember.

If you want to keep track of weekly assignments either click on "Mrs. Gonzales' Weekly Assignments" for Mrs. Gonzales' sixth-grade core class assignments, or click on "Mr. Gonzales' Weekly Assignments" for assignments due in Earth Science.

The Extra Credit link is for those students that want a little boost to help end the year with a bang!

Finally, we have added a page devoted to our family. If any of you are curious as to who we are or what we do outside of school, click on "Our Family."

We hope this site is helpful. If you have any questions feel free to call us at school at 375-1301 ext. 327 (Mr. Gonzales) or ext. 313 (Mrs. Gonzales). You can also email us by clicking on one of the buttons below.

Mr. Gonzales

Mrs. Gonzales