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Coyote News and Updates

Up Comeing Events with Coyote


Coyote Board wear
Vacation Sports Skate Shop
3rd lair
Skate Pie Mag
Sledge skateboarding company

updated last: june 5 2004. this weeks news. skate pie mag is out fresh outa the oven. one copys one dalla so hit that shit up and peep back at my friend joe franklin. i have the link uptop. its dope u can see it there too so hit it up. coyote board wear is setting up a competetion again kerry tismer has not gotton back to me yet soo ill call her soon. Y.M.C.A new times are 10 am to 630 pm, unless bryan or whoevers working there closes l8er. but im not sure about that. the same old helmet rule to so mad bummer i guess. but u can still sneak into the swimming pool. in other news the knew fobia decks designed by real are out and still fresh so pick one up nice shape cause they come with all different concave styles so its pretty tyt. damn am comp is this weekend. ill tell u who wins when i figues it out. you can check out the site on my links area. thats all for this weekn
