Lions' Whelp’s

By~Vicki C.

“And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.” ~ Rev. 5:5

Whelp: a young offspring of a mammal ...

a vision and word received ... January 21, 1999

I'm shown a great plain / Savannah, and an old world, middle ages style soldier, dressed in full armor and riding upon his like' clad horse. Full helmet and armor; There's not one part of the man underneath even showing, full helmet - face mask, hands/wrists in mail, etc. His only armament is a long jousting pole. As I watch he seems to ride here and there, zigzagging around this plain in aimless jousting, ... just jousting the air, so to speak.

From the farthest distant right corner of my vision, I see coming great powerful Lion, just walking surely, and sure-footedly (slow sure pace) onto the plain from the distance ... His eyes are on me as he comes closer and closer into my view... I seem to be up a tree, on the edge of this plain, and looking down as Lion now makes repeated leaps up the trunk of this tree towards me - Ahhh, ... great fear of Lion now in me, yes, for His teeth are bared, He snarls growls roars in turn, all with His eyes still upon me as He leaps 'at me'. Then He abruptly turns away ... and Runs to the right of my vision where the soldier is still riding and fighting / jousting the air. Lion grabs the jousting stick with His front paws and mouth and breaks it up ... much as we would a tooth pick ! He then leaps upon the old world soldier, pulls him from his horse and begins to shake him ferociously. Shaking, shaking, in his powerful jaws, for what seems a long time .. finally dropping the motionless metal armored soldier at his feet.

The vision then changes into a new scene. Lion is huge now, and is poised standing with His head over N. America .. as if standing on the Atlantic ocean. He lifts one front paw and places it on the continent very firmly and weightily, and then he lifts same huge paw and rips deep furrows across the whole continent ... from West to East. (I am seeing this as from distant above view -- the U.S. and Canada). I'm shown clearly then five long powerful claws doing this work .. ( I feel then The Lord is speaking to the five-fold servant ministries of His Church, as I am shown these "5 claws"... although I should know in mammal's, how many claws a lion has normally, I have no idea ?) Then, oddly to me, I see a very 'simple' Christmas card like representation / painting of Mary and baby Jesus, huge and super-imposed over the N. American continent.

Lastly then, I see Lion turn and bound across the Atlantic ocean to Israel, as I watch him! Following him then, my vision zooms in closer, and I see several men, who are Hasidic Jews, I believe ( The big flat black hats and side curls, beards, which I've seen once before in a vision ). They are standing at what is left of the wailing wall in Jerusalem, praying and rocking their upper bodies back and forth. With one swipe of his paw Lion knocks aside and down completely the wall, and these men. He then rises up to stand over Jerusalem in the air. I see Him huge, powerful, royal looking and fearful King of Beasts as He stands there above ... - end of vision

Then, I hear words in a reassuring way, from The Lord, (for I am personally quite trembling at this point ), "... hurt not the oil or the wine...", as under the third seal in the book of Revelation.

These are the words He spoke to me then.....

“Yes, I have told you I shake
I shake in fury as a lion it's prey
I shake the old and the useless armaments of men
I will stand over My Kingdom in great fury
I Am Chief and King.
Men and their old forms of meandering useless battle I shake
For I Am Chief and King of My own

Tremble, for I rip the old
I place My foot to furrow deep and root out the rotting
My new shall come forth
My child of Glory shall replace the ways of men
My new, even as a babe born through tribulation
I mark them, to spring forth from the furrows of My ripping and wounding
The old which is found useless is sifted out through My Might

I come to stand above you...
I stand to My Fathers' praise
I AM the praise of My Father
I AM The Lion of Judah
I will destroy the old which is found negligent
I will stand above and reign as Chief and King in My ferocious Strength
Tremble and receive My shakings
Look and see My ripping
Acknowledge My clearing away of the old and useless appointments of men
Tremble now, for I stand over the whole earth
In My feet of authority,
My Fathers praise over the earth, I stand lifted up ... to root out.

I will be Chief and King over and through My own appointed ones.
The oil and the wine will not be harmed
They will spring up as a new child from My furrows of deep ripping
They are rooted deeply in My power and authority
They will leap forth from My shakings ...
Roaring forth as My ferocity
My whelps of My tribe, ...
of My Lion Pride.
The praise of Father in the earth.”

"Come, and let us return unto the LORD:
for he hath torn, and he will heal us;
he hath smitten, and he will bind us up." - Hosea 6:1

(*** in some relation to this vision & word Above, which Vicki first posted at her site in '1999, please see the recent news article on her link page,,,,,,,,, at this hyperlink; ***

Temple Mount Wall Collapses

*** September 23, 2003 )

By~Vicki C.