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Pictures of the Dogs

This is a picture of Tucker. He is 4 months old. Isn't he cute? I wanted a picture of him chasing his tail cuz he caught it!(with the help of Barb and Pete:o) But when i came downstairs with the camara, he just sat down and looked at all of us with his little puppy eyes.

This is me and Jake when i visited a few weeks ago. It was at night, can't you tell that he is tired?

Jake(left) and Jessie sitting on the deck.

This is Jake, Me and Jessie. We were getting ready to go to Barb's softball game.

That's Jake. We put a hat and blanket on him. I think there were sunglasses too but they fell off. I think he looks sorta scared.

That's Jake trying to go to sleep. He wasn't having very good luck cuz my mom and Barb were playing pool and kept accidently stepping on him to get around.

Jessie in her chair. I don't think she wanted to have her picture taken.

Jake(left) and jessie on the deck with the Rocky Montains in the backround.

This is a picture of Jake and Jessie on the side deck. Jessie is the one holding the yellow football.

Jessie in her favorite chair again. This picture is from a while ago, 1998.

That's Jake and Jessie on a cliff in their backyard. I always play with them on the cliffs and rocks. My mom took this picture in 1993 when Jessie was only a puppy and Jake was about 4.

That is the doghouse that Pete made for Jake and Jessie. It says We be dawgs Jake and Jessie. They didn't have Tucker yet. Now there is another doghouse for Tucker(this picture is from 1998).

This is jessie.

This is Jake.

