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Joyce'sHome Page

My Hobbies

My Favorite Web Sites

Home of the Auburn Tigers
Nascar Racing
Fox News Channel
page 2 of my site

Hi my name is Joyce. I live in the southeastern part of the United States. I have two sons and two grandchildren with another one on the way. My hobbies as I listed above are reading, racing and college football. Oh yeah and some people tell me I am a news junkie. I watch the news all the time. Actually, I have had some family members tell me that I needed to stay away from it. Fox news is my favorite channel. They say they are "fair and balanced" and that is what I like about it. However, they also seem to be pleased with President Bush and with that I have to agree also. I could go for days on that subject but won't. I read mostly murder mysteries and romance novels. As far as the racing goes, my favorite would be nascar. I am a DALE JR fan. Most people laugh because I am also a Jeff Gordon fan. Well that is enough about me. Hope you enjoy the site. Have a great day and please come back and visit again!