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Welcome to our webpage. It is by, for and about high school youth at the Church of the Incarnation in Charlottesville, Virginia.


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Featured Site of the Month


Movie Reviews

Music Reviews

Book Reviews


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This month the featured website is the Voices of Youth, run by UNICEF. The site is dedicated to teens who want to talk about issues facing them and the world.

random picture with written stuff.



Movie Reviews

Mel Gibson directed a movie about the final moments in Jesus' life, called The Passion of  the Christ. The movie focuses on the pain Christ went through to show us how much he loved us, and how much he was willing to sacrifice in order to save us. Read more.

Music Reviews

Some of you have heard of the band POD (Payable on Death). If you have, you know they're a rock band, but did you know that their music has Christian themes in it? For example, their song Youth of the Nation is about parents and other adults are too caught up with themselves, and they either don't pay enough attention or mistreat kids. This is bad, however, because the youth of the nation is the future. Read more.

Book Reviews

The book One Day of Life, by Manlio Argueta,  is about a typical day of life for Salvadorans during the Civil War (dates). The book takes place in one day, and focuses on both a family and a military unit to describe the horrors of  the war. Read more.



Antioch Report: a report by John Doe.

A Day Of Reflection: report by Tjader Baum.

Food Fast: by John Smith.


Jesus taught us that it is important for us to serve others, and there are several reasons why you should. It helps develop the spirit, and it goes towards community service hours that you may need for school or church.