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Hobo Joe's Palace of Love

This is the site of master Hobo Joe, Jon, Da Man In Da Can, etc. It probly sux mor than my other one but i just dont care enuf to make a nice one. So sup? Dont answer that. it wud b pointless considering ud b talking to a comp screen and also the fact that i truly dont care. If you have any problems, questions, or concerns, please contact someone at the front desk who actually gives a damn. You can also call Hobo Joe Inc. at 1-800-EAT-SHIT, or the company manager at the number of (506) FUC-KOFF. Now u can chek out the rest of the site, or piss off. if u choose to continue u must pass all the site requirements:


click below...DAMNIT CLICK

go here first. tis a place of sacred buddhism. actually its not but go here anyways this is awesome. go here. now
Kill a furby. sound like fun? a sacred place....go here.....or die
The word fuck...HAHA...
I hate furbies...and spiders and other things and ppl, like Mr Rogers....But i truly hate Furbies....
Pictures....funny and not....axually they r all funny
GREAT quotes and such whatnot
shout outs to meh frends...yah...
