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Your computer CAN be faster!

It can also become far more stable...

With closer to 90% stability and security!

Make your WindowsTM system faster and more stable today!

Send me the Windows 98 information package...

(Win98 / ME)


Send me the Windows XP information package...

(WinNT / 2000 / XP)


OR SAVE 20%!
Order BOTH

(Win98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP)


To order:

Select your operating system,

Click the credit card icon,

Login if you are a current paypal member,

Select "Continue Checkout" to place your order if you are not currently a paypal member.

"The goal is to educate others on how to make the proper and/or necessary changes to prevent intruders from hampering or hindering their computing operations.

Aside from proper changes, in return they will receive and achieve faster and more stable computer systems without high costs in upgrading or adding additional system components.

This information has underwent a seven-year test period and was literally put into use through direct public interaction via set up of a local 'curing' facility.

The results customers experienced were beyond their belief... highly satisifying results.

After following the methods shown, certain individuals began receiving income by visiting friends, family and others and charging for their service of literally 'curing' system errors, glitches and problems.

Beyond this, once everything is set and operational, previous problems no longer returned except for minor 'burps' easily corrected without high expenses charged by local 'repair' shops.

After discovering the powerful help this information provides, you'll want to go out and help everyone else.

Not enough people are aware of the knowledge this information provides and it is doubtful you may locate this much information in only one place.

Although this information is geared toward individuals with little computer knowledge, some highly educated and a number of 'certified' personnel are not fully aware of all the information contained within this package offer.

Most have their own 'methods' and a large number of these have been 'tried'... it is for certain that the method offered through this information - WORKS.

The 'tools' are in front of you.

Are you using them?

Order now and discover for yourself exactly how a true computer should operate... regardless of the Windows operating system.


Firewalls protect you.
Switches prevent intrusion.
Routers hide your network.
Spyware removal is all you need.

Do not fall for these. These help, but systems still remain 'vulnerable' and plagued with errors.

Control your computer, don't let it control you!"

"If my computer is not waiting for me... then something is wrong... and it's only the AMD 800MHz slot1."

Send me the Windows 98 information package...

(Win98 / ME)


Send me the Windows XP information package...

(WinNT / 2000 / XP)


OR SAVE 20%!
Order BOTH

(Win98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP)


So you would like to make your Windows XP system FASTER?

You say your Windows 98 operating system malfunctions more than you would like?

Greater information has become widely available along with hundreds of software programs arriving on the market...

Which programs do you need?

Which programs truly perform?

Should I spend hundreds of dollars just to secure and cure my system?

How much 'moo-lah' do you truly need to 'shell out' in order to achieve a fast and stable computer system?

Which software programs truly perform in securing your computer system's operations?

Do you strongly believe your system is operating at its full potential?

What if you were to learn that all Microsoft operating systems (Win98 and after...) can operate more smoothly and more efficiently?

Well, with the HarBeK System Stability & Security Information Package - you learn enough that even you could begin earning an income from the comfort of your own home by charging others for literally 'CURING' their computer system(s).

Yes, even if you are new to computer system operations, the information provided within this package offers enough information with an easy to understand format - complete with graphical images - that anyone with the ability to read could easily become respectfully knowledged in computer servicing.

This isn't to claim you could instantly become 'A+ Certified', but then even a number of Microsoft Certified Techs may not have the information contained within this package.
(Some may but are not letting it be known...)

Through seven + years of experience in working with computers and Internet interaction, I have discovered a large amount of necessary information nearly all computer users should have in their knowledge bank.

The information package now offered underwent several years of trial-and-error through my own experience that I have compiled and now offer this information in an easy-to-understand manner that most anyone may easily understand.

While this package information is aimed at individuals with little to zero computer experience, those with computer knowledge may find a few interesting bits of information to be extremely usefull in their current job positions as well.

Do you ever feel 'useless' when it comes to your 'work' system offering 'glitches' over obtaining proper work performance?

Ever find yourself having to 'wait on the service department' to 'fix' your work system, for this to take a few days to accomplish?

Maybe you've felt a bit on the 'slow side' compared to your co-working neighbor who operates on a system that has only minor problems allowing him or her to complete their work in a more timely manner?

Possibly your work computer is connected to the company network, but seems to perform a bit more slowly than all the rest?

The information you will receive upon purchase will be more than adequate and you will quickly be able to turn your computer system's current capabilities into something you will enjoy working with - at home or at work.

Most of the information provided within this package can be located on the Internet, but then some has been from personal trial and experience or learned firsthand from other individuals.

If you needed information about a particular problem on your system, would you know where to look for the information?

Better yet, with the busy work schedule many have, would you be able to afford the time to locate the information yourself?

Order your information package today and within two days of receiving this package, you'll have enough knowledge to adequately 'correct' most system error glitches on your own.

Not sure if I can make this claim?

I'm part of the reason most people learned about 'Spybot - Search & Destroy'.

I happened upon a web site that proclaimed 'cookies are not harmful to your system...' and they even included a direct link to a study performed by the National Internet government organization currently overseeing the Internet where they offered test results on whether cookies proved harmful or not.

The results they offered in my opinion were way off target.

I contacted first the site I happened upon, then contacted the government organization with the following statement:

"... it seems someone needs to get off their derrier, download Spybot on their OWN home computer system and see what they find for themselves..."

Two weeks later, the news media made a major news anouncement that everyone should download and install 'Spybot - Search & Destroy'.

There is far more information needing to be covered that even they are still not familiar with or are not realeasing to the public.

I have pooled my information and personal experience into this information package to offer the rest of what they still haven't fully learned. If they do know, they're not letting it be known nor are they doing anything about it.

Your system can become closer to 90 percent more efficient after following the information you will receive upon purchase.

Computer 'techs' may know about this information but are either NOT using it or are not letting anyone else know about.

I personally worked with a certified 'tech' that refused to use much of the information contained within this package (some of which he had little clue about...) and the customer usually ended up replacing their system that may otherwise have been cured!

With this information in place on your system, viruses will have a more difficult time planting themselves on your system.

Hackers will have extreme difficulty accessing your system information.

Your system may end up performing close to three times its original operation speed.

If you operate with "XP", your system still has problems within that are slowing its performance down drastically.

Yes, amazing as it may seem, past customers have been stymied over the increase in performance their system gained once this information was put into use.

This is not 'software' you will be purchasing. This is dire information most computer users should already have in their possession prior to ever connecting their system to the Internet.

Once this information is properly in place on a system... you'll wonder why noone else has ever offered it.

How much will this information cost?

If you've taken your system in for repair and ended up handing out one hundred dollars... this information would have saved you half of that.

The better opportunity about this information is the fact your trips to the repair center will greatly reduce... unless you desire system upgrades.

Will you have to buy 'upgrade' parts to use this information?

No. This information is designed to enhance and increase your system's performance without needing to add any additional components.

What will you receive?

One system stability & security information disk containing:

  • Correct system setting requirements.
  • Knowledge of which anti-virus software to operate with.
  • What forms of software programs are actually needed on your system.
  • You do NOT need to spend hundreds of dollars going through trial-and-error in determining whether software programs work or not.

    For just this purchase price, you quickly and correctly turn your computer system into the computer you 'thought' you had purchased. After using this information, you may think twice about purchasing that 'super expensive' system in hope of achieving what your current system can already offer you.

    What have previous customers stated after implementing this information on their system?

    "You had to have added something to it to make it that fast..."
    (No, just properly adjusted and cured the system's problems...)

    "There's no way that can be only a 200MHz system... with just 42Megs of memory....."
    (Correct, it was a 200MHz system with 256Megs on-board cache, 64Megs of SIMM memory and information contained in this package making it appear to operate at the speed of a 1Gig system....)

    "... that thing's operating faster than my 1Gig at home...."
    (Bring your 1Gig to me and it will go faster too.... which this customer actually did... and just this information increased its performance.)

    "I didn't know my system could go that fast..."
    (With just this information... you bet.)

    "It's operating faster than the day I brought it home..."
    (This is the whole idea behind offering this...)

    Order your package today, allow two weeks for delivery (usually three to five business days...) and experience a whole new way of working with your current computer.

    Top of Page

    Copyright © HarBeK Enterprises,
    HarBeK Computers, & Harley B. Kelchner

    This offer is made available to novice users with little computer knowledge seeking to obtain peak system performance from their current computer system operating with Windows operating systems developed after 1997. This includes Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2K, and WinXP operating systems.

    While not fully intended for 'Experienced' users, some information contained within may be found usefull to their computing needs.

    Upon purchase you agree to not distribute information or contents of this package freely or for compensation. Copyright and Trademark laws fully apply to this information and anyone found guilty of distributing this obtained information stand punishable by current laws enforcing the rights of the offering individual / company... HarBeK Enterprises, Harbek Computers, & Harley B. Kelchner.

    Any form of copyright / trademark infringement of this information remains fully punishable under the jurisdiction of all courts in all states located within the U.S. Court proceedings upon need shall commence within the state chosen or approved by the creator of said material... to include holding court proceedings in the current resident state of the creator of this package.

    Only the purchasing individual of this information is given permission to utilize contained information in performing system repair in person for reason of compensation without disclosing or offering learned information to other individuals or companys.

    Permission is granted to purchasing individual to utilize the obtained information for personal gain provided duplication, altering, or copying of any information contained in this package is not distributed / re-distributed freely or for company / individual monetary gain. Anyone found in breech of this agreement accepts full responsibility for their actions and accepts full punishment under current laws and/or statutes either national or local.


    Your purchase order is your acknowledgement and acceptance to the above stated agreement.

    To order:

    Select your operating system,

    Click the credit card icon,

    Login if you are a current paypal member,

    Select "Continue Checkout" to place your order if you are not currently a paypal member.

    (Ads appearing on this page are not necessarily endorsed by this offer.)
    Send me the Windows 98 information package...

    (Win98 / ME)


    Send me the Windows XP information package...

    (WinNT / 2000 / XP)


    OR SAVE 20%!
    Order BOTH

    (Win98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP)


    To order:

    Select your operating system,

    Click the credit card icon,

    Login if you are a current paypal member,

    Select "Continue Checkout" to place your order if you are not currently a paypal member.

    "The goal is to educate others on how to make the proper and/or necessary changes to prevent intruders from hampering or hindering their computing operations.

    Aside from proper changes, in return they will receive and achieve faster and more stable computer systems without high costs in upgrading or adding additional system components.

    This information has underwent a seven-year test period and was literally put into use through direct public interaction via set up of a local 'curing' facility.

    The results customers experienced were beyond their belief... highly satisifying results.

    After following the methods shown, certain individuals began receiving income by visiting friends, family and others and charging for their service of literally 'curing' system errors, glitches and problems.

    Beyond this, once everything is set and operational, previous problems no longer returned except for minor 'burps' easily corrected without high expenses charged by local 'repair' shops.

    After discovering the powerful help this information provides, you'll want to go out and help everyone else.

    Not enough people are aware of the knowledge this information provides and it is doubtful you may locate this much information in only one place.

    Although this information is geared toward individuals with little computer knowledge, some highly educated and a number of 'certified' personnel are not fully aware of all the information contained within this package offer.

    Most have their own 'methods' and a large number of these have been 'tried'... it is for certain that the method offered through this information - WORKS.

    The 'tools' are in front of you.

    Are you using them?

    Order now and discover for yourself exactly how a true computer should operate... regardless of the Windows operating system.


    Firewalls protect you.
    Switches prevent intrusion.
    Routers hide your network.
    Spyware removal is all you need.

    Do not fall for these. These help, but systems still remain 'vulnerable' and plagued with errors.

    Control your computer, don't let it control you!"

    "If my computer is not waiting for me... then something is wrong... and it's only the AMD 800MHz slot1."

    Send me the Windows 98 information package...

    (Win98 / ME)


    Send me the Windows XP information package...

    (WinNT / 2000 / XP)


    OR SAVE 20%!
    Order BOTH

    (Win98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP)
