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The page you are currently looking for has been moved to another page and has been slightly upgraded!

Please try the following:

  • Click the refresh.gif (82 bytes) Regime change button, or try again later.
  • If you are a capitalist it may be hard to fathom the 'radical' ideas given here.
  • To protest the content of this website go to or E-mail me and I will gladly ignore your email.
  • If I choose to have spam assassin on then I won't get your message. Boo-hoo, click here for spamming in compensation
    click Detect Settings Complain
  • Some webmasters just ignore complaints, and you are lucky enough to have one who does just that! I will ignore any flames/spam/trolls/etc. that you'd send me.
  • If you are an old coot trying to get to my website, make sure you have an open-minded view and as long as that is true you are welcome to my site. Failing that, click the Tools menu, and then click on Favorites. On the tab, scroll to the in the Favorite section and complain there.
  • Click the Go to new site button if you want to see the new site.