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A+ Computer Tutor


Purpose and Scope:


Purpose: To promote A+ Computer Tutor as a viable means of acquiring basic computer knowledge, in a short time.

Scope: Licensed technical graduate will tutor any English speaking person, in his home or theirs, within the state of Washington.

Initial topics include:

Storage and transmittal of data, creating all sorts of printed matter, Internet an E-mail functions; and maintenance/optimization of the computer system.


   Mission statement:

During my time in the computer world, I have seen a lot of people buy nice new computer systems. The majority of these people became frustrated quickly and the system gathered dust or disappeared completely. It is my intent to furnish the inexperience user with a grip of skills that he or she can utilize to accomplish the tasks they want to complete.

Each person I have help seems to have a different goal in mind; for instance: One man wanted to record and store music, a Grandma wanted to shop on the web and E-Mail her grandchildren, and a cooking student wanted to cut and change the appearance of her photographs.

Not every person wants to enroll in and attend a technical institute for two years like myself. I believe there a lot of people who just need someone knowledgeable to get them started properly and define some processes.

It is my intent to:

Provide a quality service that greatly benefits the person, insuring customer satisfaction.

Increase my own knowledge and capabilities so I may further serve the public.

Maintain ethical an legal standards at all times, steadfast and reliable.

Feel free to E-mail me or call:

(360) 413-3828