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My April 20th Story FAQ's

Q: Did you know any of the two gunmen (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold)?

A: No, not personally. I don't recall knowing Eric, but I did see Dylan in the hallways on occasion. I was not friends with them, nor did I meet them at all.

Q: Where were you?

A: I was in Science Room 7, huddled under a table

Q: Did you know any of the dead/wounded?

A: Ironically enough, none of my closest friends were hurt or killed. I knew Dan Rohrbaugh back in 7th grade, but we didn't talk much after that. I knew Steven Curnow from kindergarten, but we didn't talk much after elementary school. Richard Castaldo and Anne Marie Hochhalter were both in band, but I didn't talk to them much. Other than that, that was about it.

Q: Was it scary?

A: This has to be one of the stupidest questions I've ever been asked, but I get it a lot. If two gunmen burst into your school armed to the teeth with several guns, hundreds, maybe thousands of rounds of ammunition, and bombs capable of destroying a huge portion of the school, and showed no mercy for any human being in that school, would you be scared? Yeah, I would say it was pretty scary

Q: What happened to the library?

A: The floor was torn out, and an atrium was created. If you get a chance to check it out, do so. It's pretty neat.

Q: Did you ever go back to the school?

A: I returned to the school and graduated from there in May 2002

Q: Does it still "haunt" you?

A: It never really has haunted me, but on occasion, I will think back to that day, only to realize how scary and unsecure it really was. Also how it was blown out of proportion with everything that's going on in the world, why a school massacre was the top story on every news station for over a month. The school shooting in Germany had the same number of deaths (15) and I only saw it on the news once. It still crosses my mind every so often.

Q: Did you know anyone in the trench-coat mafia?

A: Did I even know it existed until that day? I didn't know anyone in that group, nor did I see anyone wearing a trench-coat at all while I was at school. I guess you people just assume that everyone at Columbine wears trench coats and carry guns. Look it up, this city, actually, more like this county has had little or no gun-related violence before or after April 20th. And the trench-coat mafia was not about guns or violence or death. It was a group of kids that didn't feel like dressing like everyone else, so everyone wore a trench-coat, instead of a shirt and pants etc.

Q: (Direct quote from someone who instant messaged me a while back) ''You went to Columbine? You're f***ing in the trench-coat mafia, you sick f***. Burn in hell everyone from Columbine!''

A: Get a clue. Not EVERYONE that went to Columbine was in the trench-coat mafia. Not everyone at Columbine has a gun. If you walk in to Columbine High School right now, you will NOT get shot at. There were two kids who lost their minds and shot up my school ONCE, and it was almost 5 years ago. Columbine is a great school with great kids, and when I finish college, I hope to teach there someday. Not everyone there is a bad person. Before you criticize someone who goes there, get a clue, and look up the facts, before assuming just because the word Columbine (which is the state flower) has become synonymous with guns and violence in the media, that does not mean that everyone there is that way.

Q: What year in school were you?

A: I was a freshman

Hopefully I answered your questions. Sorry to be so blunt on most of these, but as you can tell, some questions are just so ridiculous, especially if I explain them in the story itself. All it takes is a few extra minutes to read the entire thing. If you don't want to, then you shouldn't be interested. Thank you for checking out my webpage!

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