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College Fundraising USA

College Fundraising USA

I have exciting news for you!!! Your campus organization will now raise money while getting financial education.

See for yourself. The benefits to you are substancial.

Working together we will earn between $2,000 and $10,000 for your student group...

I want to tell you about College Fundraising presenting a live seminar to your interest group, fraternity, sorority, or resume related activity, that trains your group

Did you know that in this seminar business professionals from Fortune 500 companies demonstrate the exclusive two-pronged fundraising approach.

Industry insider financing tips and effective strategies to raise a large amount of money are broken down

It's that simple. The fundraising tips save hundreds, while also generating college students $2,000 to $10,000

You may never again have an opportunity to raise money while helping other college students on your campus get clued in about raising money and managing finances

And there's more, College Fundraising is a California based consulting & marketing group providing fundraising to the college high school and community sector

Our group develops and executes highly successful fund raising initiatives that are tailored to the specific needs of your participating organization

I know you'll be interested to know that with over 25 years experience-assisting college students, College Fundraising specializes in fundraising development plans, campus studies/campaign planning, and direct marketing solutions

There's never been a better time to contact College Fundraising consultants. Take action now for a 100% free consultation to assist with your organization's current fundraising needs

There is absolutely no cost and nothing to lose..!

One thing is for sure. Your group wins and fellow students win..This program is simply unmatched on campus

Don't miss this unique opportunity

Now is the time to reply on the attached feedback form to start making money...!

There is so much at stake and no time to lose

Why? We are able to work with only a limited number of campus groups per semester...

If you think about it, all you have to do is respond on the short courtesy form below. Get started making your money immediately..!

Your Full Name:

Your Email Address: (e.g.:




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