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Buddy's Cabin
Howdy an' welcome!
in the canyon
This site has been optimized for Web-TV Viewers
'cuz Maw don't have no new-fangled 'puter!

Howdy Y'all!

Come on in, kick yer boots off an' set a spell!

My name is Buddy an' Ah'm a good ol' Labrador Retriever boy, with wings! Welcome to our hillbilly home, right smack dab in the middle of a beautiful mountain canyon. The pickshur above is me an' our real homestead in the woods. Wasn't Ah just the mos' handsome dawg you ever did see?

Ah wuz born on October 2, 1989 an' came to live with Maw when Ah wuz jus' a youngun. Ah had a mighty good life, lots of fun times, an' the best dern Maw in the world. She's a bluegrass musician, very crafty, an' a great cook an' frisbee thrower too!

Maw lives on a windin' dirt road in the forests of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, so fer almos' 13 years Ah protected her from all the wild animals, real an' imaginary. At night-time Ah slept right beside her on our liddle biddy ol' bed an' kept her warm. In the day-time Ah walked beside her through the woods around our canyon home, carryin' my frisbee, everywhere we went!

Time shore goes by fast when yer havin' fun! Seems like before Ah knew it, it was time fer me to cross that ol' Rainbow Bridge. Maw always told me she couldn't git along without me an' Ah know some days she's gonna find it hard.

Ah shore will miss her an' our l'il cabin in the canyon. Besides bein' her best friend an' companion, Ah know Maw felt more secure havin' me there to keep an' eye on thangs an' protect her an' the ol' homestead. Heck, there was times when we even had bears on our decks! They come 'round when they're hungry or there's a forest fire.

From now on Ah'll watch out fer Maw from up above. Don't you worry none Maw, Ah'll still protect you.

"Listen up bears ... y'all git!!! Me an' my Bridge Angel friends kin still bite yer sorry butts!"


"Ah love you Maw an' Ah'll always be with you."

Maw, please don't mourn too long fer me,
Ah'm still here, though Ah'm hard to see.
Ah'm by yer side, each night an' day,
an' within yer heart, Ah'll always stay.

Ah'm not really gone, Ah'm always near.
Ah'm everythang that you hold dear.
My spirit is free, but Ah'll never depart
'cause you keep me alive in yer heart.

Ah'll never wander too far outta yer sight
Ah'm the brightest star on a summer's night.
Ah'm the love in yer heart that never stops,
Ah'm the eagle's cry from the mountain tops.

Ah'm the colorful leaves when fall comes 'round
an' the pure white snow that coats the ground.
Ah'm the beautiful flowers of which yer fond,
an' the clear cool water in a quiet pond.

Ah'm the bright blossoms you'll see in the spring,
an' the first warm raindrop that April will bring.
Ah'm the rays of light when the sun starts to shine,
an' you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.

Ah'm the warm salty tears that flow when you weep
an' the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
Ah'm the smile you'll see on yer grand-baby's face.
Just look for me, Maw, Ah'm everyplace!

If'n you start thinkin' you've no one to love,
you can talk to me through the Lord above.
Ah'll whisper my answer thru the leaves on the trees,
an' you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.

yores forever, Buddy


Memorial to Buddy

Tribute to Buddy

Pet of the Year

Bridge Angel Buddy Wins Big


Remembering the good times!

Buddy's Fotos

(= Buddy's Pickshurs =)

Buddy Indoors    Buddy Outdoors

Buddy's Cabin     Buddy's Canyon

(= Buddy's Family an' Friends =)

| Bo & Millhouse | Gershwin |
| Goucho, Chelsea, Sunny & Clayton |
| Stumbles, Wobbles & Chubbs |
| Dillon & Nathaniel | Dougal |
| Bridget & Jessie | Sally | Taffy |


Maw loves ta tell yarns about me ...

(= Buddy Stories =)

The Sofa Story

The Collar Story



Our neck of the woods

Maw's New Motorhome

Hey Maw, Ah made yew a present.
Come lookee here ...


If'n yer havin' a hard time understandin'
then yew bedder click here ...

Larn ta Tawk like a Hillbilly

... jus' fer fun, please meet ...

Our Hillbilly Family

... fer folks who git confused real easy ...

Hillbilly Teknical Jargon


July 2002
Big Elk Meadows Fire

Big Elk Meadows Fire

from December 2001
Merry Christmas

Buddy's Happy Holiday's Page

Fall 2001
Degenerative Myelopathy

Hoping and struggling for a cure

Friendship Card

Buddy's pal is ready to lend a paw.

Happy Thanksgiving

Buddy's Turkey Day Card


Grandmaw's Fotos

Proudly presenting Collin

| Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 |

Proudly presenting Adam & Hannah

| Page 1 | Page 2 |



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Read 'n' Sign Guestbook


Elaine's Mailbox

Copyright © 2001 - 2004
Elaine Goldberg (Buddy's Maw)
and Arlene Blum (Web Designer)