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Getting People Involved

One of the biggest issues facing all student groups is apathy. How can you have a successful organization without members? There are many things you can do to get people involved.


Start At The Beginning...

The success of a hall council often corrolates directly with the level of activity of the council during the first few weeks of school. It is important that your council is active during the move-in and opening process:

Have returning hall council members help new students move into their room and talk about hall council.

Talk to your Hall Director about putting invites to the first meeting in all student rooms.

Have posters/fliers explaining what you do and advertising your meeting time/location.

Program, Program, Program!!! Work with RA’s and mentors to put on programs before classes start. Use this to get your name out.

Take residents to Target on the Hop. We all love Target and this will introduce people to the hop.

Ask your HD to include Hall Council in the welcome letter and any informational materials sent out in the summer.

Work with RA’s to ensure that each floor/wing elects at least one representative.

Send a Hall Council Exec. to as many floor meetings as possible.

Advertise position openings and elections.

Let residents know you have $$$$$ to spend.

Introduce people to Boulder Pizza at the first Hall Meeting

Bathroom stall publications are another great way to advertise.

Opening Program Ideas

HOP to Target

Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, etc.

Chataqua Hike

Ice Cream Social

Movies in Lounge

Coordinate a BarBeQue with Dining Services

Pearl Street

The “Hill”

Campus Tour

Rec Center Trip


Sell Building Spirit Shirts

Buying Football Tickets

Help With Move-In


Make sure to attach your group's Name to these programs*

Tips for Recruiting for your Hall Council

Recruiting is never an easy task. But there are some things you can do to get people to come to your meetings and become a part of your Hall Council. Sometimes we wish people would just show up, but such an occurrence is an exception, not the rule. So....the first step is for us to take an active responsibility in "getting people in there!"

¸ Put notes in resident's campus mailboxes Boxes for those "special" Hall Council meetings or events. People love to get mail! Especially if it's an envelope with their name on it.)

¸ Make large posters for the lobby or commons center in your area. Change these frequently so people do not become numb to them. Hint: Big, colorful, as few words as possible.

¸ Have a contest which requires people to come to the Hall Council meetings to compete. E.g. - Design a hall T-shirt or a mural for the hall and the winner gets a prize.

¸ Offer incentives for high attendance at Hall Council meetings. Target gift certificates, T-shirts, etc. You will be surprised at how many local businesses will donate such things to University organizations.

¸ Offer free food and drinks at meetings.

¸ Phone calls. Most people will be very impressed that you took the time to call them on the phone. But remember to keep it short and simple (K.I.S.S.)

¸ Delegate a different Hall Council Officer each time to do the recruiting for that week's meeting. Shared responsibility takes much less work.

¸ Challenge people who are "whiners." If a resident has a complaint, tell them that you will put them on the agenda if they come to Hall Council

¸ Knock, knock. "Who's there?" "I'm Steph from the building's Hall Council" Go door to door to invite people to meetings or to seek input on an issue that your Hall is dealing with.

¸ Recognize people who do come to meetings so they will come back! A handshake, pat on the back, verbal thanks, or a notecard.

¸ Start a conversation that will spark others around you to ask questions about your Hall Council. (This requires being somewhat sneaky!!!)

¸ Talk it up before a meeting. RA's have the opportunity to be especially effective at this.

¸ Put small meeting reminders under/on residents' doors.

¸ Be enthusiastic and friendly in your role as a Council Officer. Residents will be more apt to participate in something that they can see excites others.

¸ Use teasers for advertising instead of the same old flyers. Different shapes, colors, and objects attract lots of attention.

¸ Never stop recruiting. Tap into those residents who are a little bit quieter than others. Sometimes they just need to be asked a few more times than others. Don't give up on them!