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               Welcome to boces Computer repair and Networking

                                    Over View Of The Program

                The Computer Repair and Networking technician is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance, support, administration, and upgrading of personal computers, This two-Year course teaches Computer Repair the first year and Computer Networking  the second year. The course teaches the basics of computer networking technologies, PC hardware, devices, telecommunications protocols, network support and security. Students gain knowledge of and acquire  techniques and skills required by today's computer technicians, such as installations of hardware and software, end user support, problem solving, trouble shooting, and training. Students are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on training necessary for entry-level positions with any business, company, or agency that relies on personal computers to conduct its business.




              Course content  parallels industry-wide certification for Computer repair, PC networking, and A+ certification. Students are prepared to take the A+ certification in this course, which is a standard minimum requirement for any career-seeking technician.