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Leadership Knowledge

Definition of Leadership

       Leadership is the art of influencing and and directing people in such away as to obtain there willing obedience, confidence, respect, and coopperation in order to accomplish the mission.

Two main responsibilities of a good leader

      The welfare of the men
      Accomplish the mission

Four Indeicators of a good leader

      *Esprit de Corps

Problem solving process

      1.)Recognize the problem
      2.)Make an estimate of the situation
      3.)Take appropriate action

Leadership Concepts

      1.)Leader:Any person in a position of responsibilitiy who influences and directs others
      2.)Leadership:The process of influencing individuals in such a manner as to accomplish a mission
      3.)Leadership Traits:Personal qualities or characteristics which assist in the exercise of leadership
      4.)Leadership Principles:Fundamental guidelines for the selection of appropriate actions and orders by a leader       5.)Leadership Indicators:The four characteristics of a unit or group that provide indications of success are: Morale, Discipline, Esprit de Corps, and Proficiency
