Music From Another Room

Music from another room Your sound is different It's hard to explain I stood next to you I'm not scared You needed me I could not turn my back like the rest You couldn't either I hear the sound I know where I am I care Do they? I see it I think you do too I know your afraid They don't Don't worry I'm hear We stood there We heard their cries We did not turn our backs like the rest We were ready But like many We did not know what to do We did not know what to say We smile maybe it will stop the silence that we feel between each other We try to act like everything's all right I knew you weren't I think you knew that i wasn't I could tell you were scared What were we scared of? Maybe the unpredictable Maybe the others Maybe the darkness Maybe each other I don't care It's us Nobody else has to understand Were all right again It's over Now we want it back It's to late it's over But it will return We won't turn our backs We want to help We will be ready We will hear the music from another room again
