her Dedcision

standing in front of a foggy mirror smearing away the wet foggy film is there any meanong in what she was told for her to make a decision so bold taking a dark towel wraping it around her head the blond doll walks to her room and falls on her bed life seems to get harder the more you achive but there is a way from here she belives she reveals the shimmering taker of life that shall be her savior on the neverending night she has split the skin by the knife's pleasure point from her tiny wrist down to the elbow joint her room starts to spin and she cracks a smile she may be happy in such a short while all her dreams and hopes are gont today given to whomever takes her soul away now i drowns in a red sea of me given a chance to finally see all the chances i did not take as they fall to the bottom of the firey lake giving her soul to an eternal hell nothing can save her from her flaming cell she was givin a chance to fly away but our darling princess chose to die today
