Tell Me a Secret

I was walking an empty highway, or maybe a crowded street, I can not remember now, for the memory pains me so. A young girl with a pudgy pale face, a promise of a smile on her lips, walked up to me, and took my hand. "Tell me a secret" She could have said more, but those words burned into my soul so that I would never forget. I looked down at her, into eyes familiar, and I met the ghosts withen. The ghosts that I would forever hold, remnents of the secrets. I saw my face at ten, learning of death. I saw my face at twenty, learning of evil. I saw my face at thirty, learning of a pain not physical, the wounds that do not heal. The apparitions wrapped themselves around me, suffocating me. The only thing that saved me, was the voice of an innocent. "Tell me a secret" My eyes reopened to the present and I found myself again looking into eyes familiar. So familiar....too familiar. The eyes I once held, before their light was dissolved by the darkness of some truths. "I will not tell you secrets today." You will learn of them soon enough. A smile at her lips, this latest ghost disappears. I was walking a deserted highway, was it a crowded street? Or was that pain a product of something worse? A product of my dreams?
