Lonely Girl

That lonely girl at the back of the class. That girl who no-one knows the name of. No-one dares speak to. The unpopular one. The loner. Has she ever uttered a word? Except the silent mutter of present. Does anyone know who she is? Or how long she has been their? What are thous scars on her arm are they cry's of pain that no-one can hear? Why is she so distant? Why is she so sad? Why has no-one ever seen her smile or laugh? Is she even acknowledged? Is she really their? How can someone feel so much sorrow? How can someone feel so much pain? Does anyone know her story? Does anyone know her name? Will she forever be silent or alone? Or one day will she not be their Then perhaps you will notice Then perhaps you will feel her pain Why does no-one speak to her? Why does no-one know her name?
