
You used me Played with me and then tossed me aside I feel like it’s my fault Like somehow I cause this I am torn in so many emotions Grief Anger Embarrassment You marked my body Like grafiti on a wall You took away the one thing I held dear The one thing I could call my own You bastard how could you do that to me You took away my pride My childhood My virginity But it meant nothing to you I meant nothing to you How could I? You didn’t know me, I didn’t know you I want it back I want my innocence back Now I have nothing to give You ripped it away in a matter of minutes It was all a blur A bloody, terrible blur For you it was pleasure Oh, but for me it was pain so much pain, so many tears, so many hours wasted wishing I could only go back Go back to the days of being able to have fun and not have to look over my shoulder Go back to the days where I could trust a man But this is what you want You want my life to be a living hell You are a sorry piece of shit exuse for a human being Every human has a heart and a concious You have neither If you had a concious it would have kicked in way before you ripped out of me all that I held close It would have told you that a girl wants to keep the only thing she can truly call hers And if you had a heart Then you would feel guilty But you have no remorse You blame your act of violence on testosterone Bullshit Nothing motivated you but the voices in your head I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time I almost feel sorry for you Sorry that your pathetic exuse for a life had to come to this Then I think of how many others there could have been How many other lives have been ruined all because you wanted a little fun You sacrificed nothing But took everything Now I must sacrifice something I must sacrifice what life I have left I have no need to live
