My Best

You and me, We could talk For hours after dark. You with your sunshiney sweet Disposition and Equally wonderful smile. And me, With my wild black hair, and a personality to match. We were so different, But hit it off As soon as we met. Like only best friends can do, We rubbed off on each other. I got a little sunnier And you, More rebellious. We could talk About anything In those dim hours Of the morning; You're late for your period (you're still a virgin); I couldn't Stand to be grounded From you forever if We got caught Sneaking out in the middle Of the night. Again. (last time it lasted a month) We talked about How cool it was that My mom Baked us chocolate chip Cookies (your fave) And your mom Let us Bring dates to your Family dinner. (I was invited) We keep talking Until we wake up your mom And she tells us to Get to sleep sometime Tonight. After a few more Mint m&m's and Juicy tidbits about Ourfamiles (doesn't seem to count as gossiping with our relatives) We crawl onto Your double bed And immediately Fall To sleep.
