My Sister

I look up at the sky and see your smiling face, I wish I could touch you, and let you know that I love you, even though we have never met. I have heard so much about you, I wish I could've been there to try to stop you, If I would've been there you would've had better things to do! Instead of going to the creek that day, Or if I could've been there with you at the creek that day maybe I could've saved you, But now all I can do is wonder what kind of relationship we could've had, I look at all these other sisters and wonder if we could've been better at the sister thing, rather than them having all the fun, you left a lot of hearts behind when you went but we'll all meet together again someday. I LOVE YOU AMY!!!!!!


  • Name: Maggie
  • Age: 16
  • State: TN
  • Date: 7/10/01
  • E-mail adress: ?