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 Greetings! So nice of you to visit! I'm Beth Blackburn, the artist of Sylph Studios. I currently reside in Denver, Colorado -- or Aurora to be exactly precise. I'm a Senior in High School, and I'm also attending my first year of college at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, where I'm majoring in traditional animation and illustration. 

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Why? Why would you visit this place? Whhhy?

Anyhoo, my name is Bethie. Sometimes Beth, but usually Bethie to discern from other imposter Beth's. My vegetarian chicken nuggets are ready. Imposter chicken nuggets. This is what you get for reading my rubbish. I am the lady of tight, binding underpants. Yes, that's right, you read correctly. I believe I good hardy shrinking when things get naughty will solve all of our problems.

I've lead a simple life. At the pre-pubescent age of 10, I caught a horrible virus from a hamster. In fact, I was diagnosed with chronic hamsteria. This made me run in circles and belch like a full grown naked mole rat. But life had just begun for Bethie! I was not outfoiled yet. I still had my aspirations to be a miniature version of the Flash. Just slower, and fatter, with the ability to cross lesser distances. Not actually ever making it to the scene of the crime, but shrinking innocent mundanes underpants on the way.  Ehrm, now, I just simply dress chipmunks in Barbie Doll clothes.

Bethie's Character Sheet o' Pouncie Weasal fun!

Real Name: Elspeth Ann Blackburn
Age: 17   Birfday: July 1st, 1983  Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5'2"  Weight: Enough.
Hair: Tricky question! Sometimes red, sometimes purple, sometimes black.
Eyes: Green! Because I have a wee Leprauchan on me shoulder!
Heritage: Scottish, Irish, and Creek. Lotsa' Irish! Scottish too. My great, great grandmother was Creek, and my Great Grandfather was Irish. My Scottish blood is close to a hundred years old, dating all the way back to the Bealle family.
Likes: Spiders, Fresca, Beef the Snail and his Fishies, Meat Cleavers.
Dislikes: Trucks (filthy automobiles), Bathing (Ha! Just Kidding), Babies, Wearing Shoes (or anything on my feet).
Musak: 12 Rounds, Adiemus, Louis Armstrong, Bauhaus, Christian Death, Scott Joplin, Skinny Puppy, Thrill Kill Kult, Moist, Weird Al, etc.
Mewvies: Heavy Metal (Yay! Boobies!), Wizards, The Last Unicorn, Fritz the Cat, MonokeHime (Forest Ghost Princess?), Ghostbusters, Dark Crystal, Clockwork Orange.
Comic Books: Elfquest, Tank Girl, The Sandman, Havoc Inc, Kanna-san, Ronin.
Books: Mists of Avalon, Ragtime, Whisper of Wings.

Contact Information:
E-Mail: or
ICQ# 72713576
[AIM] SylphStudios
Mirror Site: Sylph's Naughty Studio

Conventions I'll be attending:


October 20 - 22 2000
Denver, CO

Ghengis Con
February 15 - 18  2001
Denver, CO

Star Fest
April 14 - 16 2001
Denver, CO

Nan Desu Kan
September 21 -23 2001
Denver, CO

Conventions I'll be sending my art to:

Further Confusion
January 25 - 28 2001
San Mateo, CA

May 25 - 27
Orlando, FL

About Bist de'Sylph

You talk like a Rosicrucian, who 
will love nothing but a sylph, who does 
not believe in the existence of a sylph, 
and who yet quarrels with the whole 
universe for not containing a sylph. 
(Peacock in Nightmare Abbey) 

Whoever, fair and chaste, 
Rejects mankind, is by some sylph embraced. 
(Pope, Rape of the Lock)

This cooness stands at 5'5", sporting an ample set of breasts and a rubenesque figure. Her tall, rakish form presents a misleadingly broad and compact exterior. Graceful, august, with a smooth, disarming charisma. A twitching smile plays at her lips, while a cool, reserved gaze scrutinizes all it beholds. Fractured Jade, the mosaic of cold marble eyes lay beyond passion and rage repressed within an iron willed composure.

Sylph tote's a finely-spun cascade of coiling ringlets in the deepest ebony, with a soft auburn luster. Parted down the middle and trailing down her back, it winds to it's ends just below her rump, her hair covering her back much like a cape. Angular features, a sharp snout, the ebony mask of her cheeks rounds' in the most pleasant of curves, split with her ever-present smirk, taunting the hearts of her onlookers.

Clad in a forest green leather bodice, an off-the-shoulders gauze blouse, and sable skirts, Sylph also has a collection of ribbon and yarn adorning her wrists. At her waist, an aged leather belt accommodates three large pouches, and an eight inch arm bone tied to a string, and a sheathed & peace-knotted titanium dagger. She moves with the familiar clank and ringing of bell's attained from various establishments, always tied to her unclad ankles. Finishing off the ensemble, a cherrywood fiddle hides beneath the length of her hair, seemingly strapped around her shoulders to her back.

Her Past:

 Sylph was born into royalty under the Clan of Gregory in the town of Bist. While her father owed the Rosicrucian Priestesses of Gregory a boon for the deed they had previously done for him, he had given his only daughter, Sylph, into their care as repayment. Not but two turns of the moon later did a war break out on the cost of the Ariahal Islands, where Bist was nestled. Many of the surrounding Legion's soldiers came and raped the women -- including the priestesses.

 All records had been disposed of. While most of the children born to the priestesses were the crossbred mongrel, Sylph believed that she was born into a noble bloodline, perhaps out of a childish fantasy, or even to protect her dignity. After many of the bastard children of the Priestesses were born, the raped priestesses had committed suicide. The newly born children was not enough to replenish the great loss that the Rosicrucian order.

 Sylph studied under the tutelage of the lesser ranked Priestesses, developing her conjuring and sorcery skills to an unskilled level. Though, there was more to becoming a priestess than Magick-using; Sylph was placed under the strict ethical code of the Gregorical Priestesses-- The Keeper of Secrets. She protected the secrets of the Priestesses by sacrificing her voice. To speak would be treason.

 It would be two Springs there after that Sylph would become enamored with another Priestess. Young and naive, Sylph grew to love her like no other. Once the affair had be disclosed to the High Priestess, Sylph's lover was burned; and Sylph herself was expatriated from the Island.

 Bist de'Sylph then traveled where the winds would take her. From her far end of the Ariahal islands, she had travelled to Persia, and eventually the orient. She crossed the ocean to Nippon, and there studied with a Bujinkan Dojo. She became skilled in Naiponese arts and crafts, as well as adequate with the language.  It was a great while before Sylph was Finessed back into the lands of her native tongue. Albeit, her memory was not as it once was, nor was her patience for traveling. Bist d'Sylph settled in the lands of Kith Kanaan.

 When Bist had arrived in Kith Kanaan, she was enamored by the lively hood of the town. She had settled in briefly with Sir Rodrick, and studied under him as a squire. She met all of the requirements of the ranks of Free Knight, but declined the position after her studies. Yet, through her work, she grew close to Rodrick, and began to love him. It would have been that she would bore him a son, until she lost the child, and was incapable of conceiving ever again.  Currently, Bist de'Sylph lives a few miles north of the Shire in Kith Kanaan, in the Hazel Grove. She is a minor scholar, and teaches oriental  linguistics to willing pupils. And while she practices the healing arts of her Rosicrusian heritage, she remains as clandestine about her history as she was with the Priestesses after her vows.

Bist de'Sylph is (c) Beth Blackburn. She is a fantasy character on Furry Faire Muck. For information on joining the Muck, please visit:

Furry Faire Muck

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 This page was created by Beth Blackburn.  All images are © Copyright their respective owners.  All rights reserved!  Do not  redistribute, alter, or in any other way use these images for anything other than viewing purposes, otherwise, I will shrink your underwear down so tight you will forever have the vocal chords of a seven year old boy.