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History-Location-Contact Info The Blood Dragons are located all over the US (TX, CA, FL, WVA, LA, and VA), however most of us live in VA. We are organized in the tradional manner: one main head having over-all say to any issue or decision. Next is the Shogun who is in charge of basically everything - from assigning possition/creating new possitions when needed- maintaining the structure and stability of the clan. Next are two Samurai equal in rank with different functions or projects which are carried out by 4 Shaolin (two to each). I guess by now you realize that the names are derived from different possitions of ancient martial arts set-ups. Why? Because they have worked for thousands of years and most of the members practice kung fu or another martial art. Most have a speciallity some have many and we pass this training down through the ranks. Vassago and I believe this is a very important part of our organization because it gives us all discipline, self control, and togetherness - all of these are needed to survive and prosper as vampire. This way of organization works not unlike a modern democracy, in that anyone may make suggestions or oganize functions and present them to their superior in rank to follow the chain and be modified to be be agreeable to all. We have clan gatherings ever so often, but quite often in smaller groups (mostly us older members) and enjoy partying and all else that comes with indulging in our vamipirist ways of life. All in all Blood Dragons provides the means to live free with others of our kind, with out fear of prosecution or danger, and have a hell of a good time doing it! We are discussing have a get together of all Vampire and Clans in the N. VA area. I think it would be great to bring us all together and have festivities where we can all be ourselves without looking over your shoulder. At our last Clan re-union we only had a turnout of a little better than 50 - I would like to see 100 or more this time! If you wish to contact any of us here in VA you can email me for quick results or write to either of these addresses: Joker, 5952 Forest Hill Ave., Richmond Va 23225 -or- Deone McMikel, 10520 Judicial Dr., FFX Va 22030. Feel free to link to this page from your site or contact me by any of the above methods. You can also post a message on the board for this site - I check it daily at the least. I am open for comments or suggestions. Enjoy! |Home| Vampire Chat| Message Board| Rank Tree| Links|