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What can we know about The Endtimes? Although there are diffences of opinion regarding the details of interpretation of the book, the central theme is clear : through Christ the Lord, God will finally and totally defeat all of his enemies, including Satan, and will reward his faithful people with the blessing of a new heaven and a new earth when this victory is complete.

The Revelation to John was written at a time when the writer is being persecuted because of his faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. The writer's main concern is to give readers hope and encouragement, and to urge them to remain faithful during times of suffering and persecution.

Do your expectations turn out to be naively optimistic, unduly pessimistic, or surprisingly realistic? In most cases, what makes the diffences is whether you acted on the basis of specific knowledge or on unfounded feelings.
Who's right? Which expectations are in line with what we can know for sure? In this study, we will be looking to the Bible for answers to our questions about the Endtimes.

Opinions about the future follow the same pattern. To avoid being victimized by false hopes or unrealistic fears, we need to search out reliable information and live by it.
Many find it hard to know whom to believe. Some predict a nuclear holocaust. Others speak ominously of mass starvation. Many economists are forecasting a worldwide financial colapse. Still others see a peaceful utopia just ahead.

Last Updated by Monday, December 03, 2001.
13:00:00 (+800GMT)

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The Bible Chapters

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