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 Reiki Heart Healing Centre


Learning Reiki

Reiki Treatment




 Japanese Kanji for Reiki

What Is Reiki?

Reiki, the gentle "laying on of hands" or, more commonly, the "healing touch", has its roots in ancient philosophical thought. It is based on the belief that all living things are sustained by an energy that is known as the Universal Life Force.

It may be difficult for us to accept the truth of this, because the Universal Life Force is not something that most of us can see or feel.

The "ki" of reiki is the Japanese term for Life Force ("rei" means Universal). The Chinese refer to the life-sustaining energy as "chi"; in India it is called "prana" or breath of life; in Hawaii it is termed "mana"' ; Christians call it "light"; some religions refer to being is a state of "grace".

Regardless of what it is called, the Universal Life Force is what animates our bodies. Our state of health and well-being depend upon how much of this energy we are able to receive.



  Reiki Heart Healing Center ~ Somerset UK ~ 01935 851 321