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Gutter Stars
Friday, 17 October 2003
Unpleasant Truths

*Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.* ~Lillian Hellman

I have been told more times than I can count that I am a cynic and I have come to believe it. A lot of my family thinks that cynicism and pessimism are the same thing, but I don't. That quote is the best definition of cynicism I could find.

So, I also said I would talk about Kill Bill. I saw it with my brother a couple of days ago and I must say that the movie kicked ass. I am so extremely pissed that I have to wait until February to see the next part (at least according to IMDb). If you haven't seen it yet, you definitly should.

I was going to try to give a preview for tomorrow, but I'm not sure what I'm going to write about, so you'll just have to check back then. Night all. ~*lovedoll*~

Posted by co3/paintinharmony at 4:37 AM MDT
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Thursday, 16 October 2003
I am very good at beginning things, but absolutely terrible at ending them. Every writing teacher I have ever had says: "It was great up until the end. You should re-write that." To which my response is usually, "I have several times." My website, for instance, is permanently half finished. Of course, I blame this on the fact that I do not write fan fiction anymore (which is true), but I still have other things on there that will never be completed. So, in the spirit of beginning things I don't intend to maintain or finish, I am writing my first blog entry.

I should begin by explaining the title, which has nothing to do with my website despite the slight Goo Goo Dolls reference. It's actually from a line in Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde, which segways nicely into something I intend to do.

Quote of the Day (which from now on will be shortened to QotD)

*We are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.*

That says more about me than I care to admit on most days.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I am currently watching Sleeping Beauty, but I just love Malificent. Maybe I should be her for Halloween. What do you think? I think that it's time for bed. Sleeping Beauty is making me sleepy. Goodnight all. *~lovedoll~*

Coming tomorrow. Kill Bill and the definition of cynicism...

Posted by co3/paintinharmony at 4:21 AM MDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 October 2003 4:28 AM MDT
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