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Quite a Show
     I would like to express my appreciation to the individuals and organizations who so willingly helped me with Lincoln City's first annual Record Convention Show.
     KISN, KZEL, KTDO, KSLM, KINK, KKRC, KKCW, KUPL, KGON, KYTE and especially KCRF radio, including the donations of CDs.
     Bob and Judy Moore of the Sea Echo Motel. Paul Bruncke and the entire gang at the Elks who donated the extra tables for the dealers.
     The lovely Tina Christensen who gave all the information to The Statesman Journal. Renee White who worked at my store that day.
     Al and Wesley Culver and David Donnelly who took time to set up the room for the dealers.
     Lori Anne Sheridan and Jackie Meredith at the Chamber of Commerce and the crew at the Visitors Convention Bureau for helping me get the flyers out to the public.
     To Rudy Frykberg of the Lakeside Gulf and Racquet Club for renting me the room. Don Martin for making me extra album crates for my store.
      Also, the lovely Lisa Voelker who took her valuable time to video tape an hour of the record convention.
      To all the employees at Basic Needs who printed up the flyers. To Kathy LeBello, Pat Robertson and Susie Boop for collecting the admissions at the convention.
      To Roger and Pat Robertson and the entire staff at Channel 10 TV. I like these people because they put their heart into promoting the event, and showed up at the convention to film and interview the people, as well as John Pundt, of KCRF radio.
      And lastly to Pat Robertson, who suggested who I could donate the procedes to. Of course, it was the Kidney Dialysis Foundation.
      Incidentally, all the collectors and dealers loved Lincoln City and want another record convention next year. Not one bad remark was mentioned about our fine city.

David Braverman
Mad Daddy's Records
Source: Lincoln City Newspaper - August 1989 or 1990