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Kansas Nebraska Annual Conference

124th Session

1st AME Church, Kansas City, Kansas


September 8, 1999


7:00am Worship Service

Bishop Vernon Byrd was the Pulpit Conductor: Rev. Sylvia Harris gave The Prayer. The Preacher of the hour was Rev. Ben Finnell and the sermon title was "To whom shall we go" Scripture John: 6:53-59 & 66-68. Rev. Finnell challenged us that we have some to go.

8:40am - Devotions by the Worship Leaders

9:00am - Bishop Bryd called the 124th session of the Kansas Nebraska Conference into session. Presiding Elder Ted Evans moved that the 1st 5 rows be used as the conference boundaries. Bishop Byrd suggested that we use the first 3 rows across the front of the church as the conference boundaries. This motion was moved and second. The Bishop asked all members to work and move within the conference boundaries.

Bishop Byrd requested that the Role call be read.

Rev. Clinton L. Stancil called the role. Each Minister gave Bible verses

The following person were not present:

Itinerant Elders

Euzell Ball – reported in route

Joe Bywaters – Reported in route, he later answered the role, however he had to leave because of a shortage of teachers.

Loyce Clay – Reported in route

Theodore Lee – No Answer

Penny Pitchford – In route, she answered the role later

Mary Ross – Absent due to health reasons

Doretha Horn – Absent due to health

Edgerton Taylor – In route

Itinerant Elders absent because of transfers

Rev. Joseph H. Forbes

W.F. Dancy

Charles Farris

John Curtis Foster

Shirley Hermance

Ronald Williams

Corrections to the role: Rev. Sylvia Harris stated that her name was Sylvia Ann Harris.


Nathaniel Harper reported he was in a nursing home

Holly Jerome reported in route

The Memorial Committee was referred the name of Glenda Warren who is deceased.


Itinerant Deacons

It was reported that the name of Willie Morris was not called but was added to the role.

Robert Eugene Biekman – Elder Evans reported he was on the grounds but was not present

Robert Chatman - Came in later

Local Elders

Lenora Alice Hunter – Reported in nursing home

Albert Robinson

James Hugh – Reported as deceased and referred to the memorial committee

Local Deacons

Robert Eden

Herbert Jones – It was reported that was the second time he did not answer the role

W.C. Shelton reported on Rev. Erleen Clairborne


David Wayne Author

Shaun Ball

Carl Fells

Rev. Cunningham reported that Shavonne Holmes was in route.

Sharon Stokes

The name of Will James Curry was left off the role

President of the women Missionary Society

Betty Dean

Director of the Youngs Peoples department

Ellen Jones

Bishop’s call for Transfers

P. Albert Williams transferred from Northwest Missouri to Kansas Nebraska

Portia Cavitt transferred form the Puget Sound to Kansas Nebraska

Gwendolyn Phillips transferred from the Southern California Conference to Kansas Nebraska

Rev. Coates transferred from the Southern California Conference to Kansas Nebraska

Jonathan Rhone transferred from the Northwest Missouri to the Kansas Nebraska

The organization of the conference was called for:

Rev. Theodore Evans moved the motion for the following:

Chief Secretary – Rev. Clinton L. Stancil

Assistant: Secretary – Rev Ben Finnell

Assistant: Secretary – Margaret Riley

Statistical Secretary – Rev. Sylvia Harris

Music Department:

Rev. Author Carter

Mrs. Alberteen Jennings

Worship Leaders: Rev. Jerome Jefferson and all the licentiates

Finance committee:

Rev. Hughes, Cousins, Calloway, Drew, Rhone, Baker

Bishop suggested that Portia Cavitt be added to the finance committee

Publicity Committee:

Rev. Penny Pitchford

Rev. Penny Pitchford stated that they need more advance notice as well as a budget to complete the work and distribute it in a timely manner.

Rev. Drew presented papers where he had advertised and placed ads in the paper.

Rev. Pitchford also wanted it to be noted that there was a lack of women representation on major committees participating in the conference.

Dr. Calloway stated that women were included in all aspects of the conference throughout the week.

Bishop Bryd stated the church is different from Corporate America: Dr. Calloway made note of the Rev. Sylvia Harris.



Rev. Leon Burley

Rev. Robinson

Rev. William Ellison Drew

Bishop Assistant: Nedra Locke

Motion Passed:

Bishop called for the calling of the delegates form both districts"

Bishop then ask all the delegates from the Electoral College to stand, they were recognized for being present.

Bishop Byrd then called for the Board of Examiner reports:

The Dean, Dr. Kevin Calloway and the Board presented all candidates to the Bishop and the Bishop inquired of each one, "are you saved." A copy of that report is reflected in the minutes

Bishop Byrd then called for the Presiding Elder reports

Presiding Elder Evans gave his 14th Report, he thanked the Pastors for their work and he thanked God for looking after him: A copy of that report is reflected in the minutes

Elder P. Albert Williams stated that he would give his report later due to it not being available at that time. Elder Williams obtained his report and gave his 53rd report to the conference: A copy of that report is reflected in the minutes.

The Bishop called for the reading of the reports:

The reports were read by:

St. Matthew Bonner Springs, Rev. Joe Bywater

St. Luke KCK, Rev. Frank Grey

St. John Omaha Nebraska, Rev Jonathan Rhone

Grant Chapel Wichita, Rev. Anthony Hughes

Due to time constraints the Bishop called for a 5-minute recess to prepare for the Women Missionary noonday service.

Rev. Author Carter requested that all interested singers gather in the choir stand, to prepare for the

Noon-day service.

Noonday service began promptly at 12 noon

Worship Leader: Sara Sowell

Call to Worship: Rosemary Finnell

Scripture: Psalms 100 by Sheila

Invocation: Laura Johnson

Introduction of the speaker: Theodore Evans

Preacher: Rev. Andrew Rollins Pastor Quinn Chapel Omaha Nebraska

Scripture: Romans 8:37 Title: "A story that conquers fear"

Rev. Rollins challenged us "to be more than conquers

Invitation: Elder Evans

Rev. Drew gave announcements

Women in mission were meeting during the lunch hour

Robert Chapman reported to the secretary that he was present

Conference was adjourned for lunch to resume again at 3:00 PM

3:00pm Conference resumed with the worship leaders and their powerful worship service


The Bishop gave instructions to continue with the Conference reports:

The following reports were made with a copy reflected in the conference minutes

*Rev. Jethro Syrus from St. Paul AME, gave another one of his 19 resounding reports and tearfully announced he was retiring from the Ministry. Presiding Elder Williams stated he was there when he started his ministry and that he was a "giant in the ministry." Elder Evans spoke of the talks he has had with Rev. Syrus over the years and he mentioned that he was there for the church dedication. Each one of the Pastors who tutored under the teachings of Rev. Syrus gave heart wrenching testimonies of the impact Rev. Syrus has had on their lives and that through his teachings they have become effective leaders. The delegate from St. Paul along with his wife spoke about this great man of God. Rev. Syrus was described as a Friend, Husband, Pastor and a Teacher who always taught Love. Bishop Byrd stated that the Pastors should take note of the work that Rev. Syrus has done in this area of God’s vineyard.

St. Paul KCKS, Rev. Mark Smith

St. Paul Wichita, Rev. S.A. Cousins

Bethel Coffeyville, Rev Cornelius Austin

Bethel Manhattan, Rev. Sudie White

Bethel Leavenworth, Rev. Donald Baker

New Bethel KCKS, Rev. Adolphus Favors

St. Mark Topeka, Rev. Author Carter

St. James Brown Chapel, Rev. Clinton Stancil

St. James Lawrence, Rev. Edgerton Taylor

St. James Ark City, Rev. Joseph Taylor

Ward Chapel, Rev. Johnetta Shelton

Grant Chapel, Rev. Johnetta Shelton

Complete copies of these reports are reflected in the minutes.

The Conference was adjourned, to resume again with the opening worship service.

7:00pm Opening Worship Service:

Call to Worship: LC Drew

Opening Hymn: Rev. Jonathan Rone

Called to Prayer: Rev. Adolphus

Invocation: Rev. Frank Grey

Old Testament: Rev. Steven Cousins

New Testament: H.T. Cunningham

The Gospel: John DeVeaux

The Decalogue: Rev. CN Austin

The Missionary Offering: Rev. Anthony Hughes

Presentation of the Bishop: Elder P. Albert Williams

Presentation of the preacher: Bishop Vernon R. Byrd

The Sermon: Dr. Kelvin Calloway

Scripture Romans 10: 1-10

Title: Saved Church

Dr. Calloway challenged us to become a "Saved Church" not a church of "Sanctified Ignorance." He stated he loved the church but his hope is in God

The Invitation:

Given by Rev. Portia Cavitt

The Offertory: Bishop Byrd requested that each Minister give at least $100 dollars.

An offering of $3,000 was given by the Women’s Missionary Society.

The Clergy and Lay Members of the Conference gave an offering of $3,768.

An offering of 2,700 dollars was received from visiting guests, which included:

Rev. D.W. Dancy

Rev. John Hill

Presiding Elder Branch

Presiding Elder Foster

Presiding Elder Finney

Presiding Elder Forbes

Rev. Sylvester Lattermill

Rev. Darryl Walker

Rev. Mark Smith

Rev. Donna Roberson

Rev. Simpson

Rev. Murph

Rev. Miley

Presiding Elder O.H. Brown

Rev. L. Fisher Hines

Mrs. Cheltenham

Rev. Perkins

Rev. St. James

Rev. Dancy

Rev. Farris

Jerry Morris

Rev. Ronnie McCowan

Rev. Moses Johnson

Rev. Allen Williams

Rev. Elaine Williams

Rev. Warren Freeman

Rev. Wright

Rev. Ovin

A special offering of $100.00 was sent by Rev. Leslie White


Additional Announcements

Delegates and Lay Presidents were asked to meet with Cedric Patton immediately following the service.

Bishop Vernon R. Byrd encouraged all non-allergic persons to attend the 7am Worship services. Rev. Mark Smith will give the message from St.Paul AME, Kansas City, Kansas.

Rev. Murph will give the noonday service message from Brookins AME in Los Angeles California.

Service ended with the Benediction, given by Rev. Kelvin T. Calloway.





Kansas Nebraska Annual Conference

124th Session

1st AME Church, Kansas City, Kansas


September 9, 1999


7:00am - Service

Prayer: Sylvia Harris

Scripture: Euzell Ball

Psalm 55:6

Title: With out Wings

Rev. Mark Smith of St. Paul KCKS

Rev. Smith moved us as he instructed us that our wings are not ready but we will get our wings.


9:00am - The Conference was called into session with the minutes read by the Chief Secretary. The following corrections have been noted on the minutes.


Rev. Austin stated his name should have been pronounced C.N. Austin.

Rev. Lauttermill stated he was a Candidate for Head of the Connectional Music Department.

The minutes reflect Rev. Theodore Lee answered roll call.

The Bishop stated that Rev. Leslie White is a Candidate for Bishop

The name Mark Smith should have been read Ronald Smith

The name of Rev. Rachel Williams was left off of the guest role.

The Rev. Gwendolyn Phillips Coates stated that she is a Reverend.

The Rev. Leander Emmanuel Coates gave us the correct pronunciation of his name

and also stated his report was read on September 8th, 99

Mary France Everett reported that the Women in Ministry meet during the lunch hour with Rev. Brenda Hayes.

9:35am - Bishop asked the Electorial College to stand, they then adjourned to Trinity AME Church to elect their delegates.

Lay President, Quadric Patton asked the Bishop "can an Electoral College delegate serve as an annual conference delegate?" Presiding Elder Ted Evan stated "smaller churches can but larger should send at least two delegates."

Presiding Elder P. Albert Williams stated that we need to make sure both delegates were elected.

Bishop requested a list of all the delegates.

9:50am - Delegates adjourned to Trinity AME Church for their elections. The hymn "Everything is going to be alright was sung."

9:55am - Bishop called all Itinerant Ministers into the first five rows to prepare for the voting of the delegates. The Bishop stated that we had a total of 42 Itinerant Ministers and 22 would be needed to elect a delegate. He also stated that we should not vote for less than eight and if their names are not listed, names can be written in.

Presiding Elder Evans moved that the Rev. Rueben Eckels be the teller for the vote of the delegates. The motion was moved and passed by the Conference.

Presiding Elder P. Albert Williams moved that Rev. Johnetta Shelton and Verdell Taylor serve as the clerks.

10:07am - The voting began with the passing out of the Ballots.

10:40am - Votes were completed, with the final numbers reflected in the conference minutes. The following persons were elected delegates from the Kansas Nebraska Conference:

Rev. Kelvin Calloway

Rev. Steven Cousins

Rev. L.C. Drew

Rev. P. Albert Williams

Rev. Anthony Hughes

Rev. Jonathan Rhone

Rev. Leander Emmanuel Coates

Rev. Portia Coates

Bishop called for all the delegates to stand and be recognized.

10:55am - The vote began for the alternate delegates, the final copy of the report will be reflected in the minutes. The following persons were elected alternate delegates:

Rev. Mark Smith

Rev. Donald Baker

Rev. H.T. Cunningham

Rev. Arthur Carter

Rev. Euzell Ball

Rev. Verdell Taylor

Rev. Stanley Harris

Rev. C.N. Austin

Presiding Elder Evans commended Rev. Shelton, Rev. Taylor, Rev. Eckels and Rev. Drew for their excellent service as clerks and tellers.

12:00pm - Hour of Power Service

Worship Leader: L. Fisher Hines

Call to Worship: Rev. Grady Ray Brown

Prayer: Rev. Johnetta Shelton Payer

Scripture: Rev. Monise Jackson

Introduction of Speaker: Elder Branch

Speaker: Freddie Murphy

Scripture: Isiah 54:17

Title: Get back because you can’t touch this

3:27 pm - The Conference resumed. The Bishop requested that the list of the lay delegates be announced by Nedra Locke. He also requested that the Lay Delegates stand. A copy of the lay delegates election will be reflected in the final minutes.

3:45pm - The Rev. Jonathan Rhone stated that the delegation go to the general conference with the expressed purpose to bring Bishop Byrd back to the 5th district. Because of the request, Bishop Byrd requested that Elder Branch preside over that motion. The motion was second by Rev. C.N. Austin, Sister Gertrude Jackson and Sister Doris Bailey.

Brother Shields asked the Bishop if there is a tie between two delegates, will there be a run off? The Bishop stated "only if you don’t have a Bishop."

4:15pm - A call was placed for the continuation of the Pastoral reports. A copy of those reports will be reflected in the final minutes. The following churches gave their reports:

Allen Chapel, Rev. H.T. Cunningham

Quinn Chapel, Rev. Andrew Rollins

Then the Rev. Loy C.Clay presented the Bishop with a present of jumping flowers.

Trinity AME, Rev. Kelvin T. Calloway

Bethel AME, Rev. Portia Cavitt

First AME, Rev. L.C. Drew

St. Mark Topeka, Rev. John DeVeaux

Hiawatha Circuit, Rev. Jerome Jefferson

Presiding Elder Evans stated that the Hiawatha Circuit was the smallest of all the circuits but they always paid their funds on time.

Brown Chapel, Rev. Mary Frances Everett

Rev. Drew gave announcements

4:55pm - The meeting was adjourned

The minutes reflect that there was a Historical March from the Jack Reardon Civic Center to First AME church, proclaiming Men retaking their roles in the church, homes and in the community. The Following clergy were present:

Rev. L.C. Drew

Rev. Anthony Hughes

Rev. Clinton L. Stancil

The march ended at First AME Church, with motivational speakers, who moved that Men should return to their role as Men.

7:00pm - Ecumenical night service began

Presiding: Rev. Grady Brown

Call to Worship: Rev. L.C. Drew

The Hymn of Praise: Rev. Theodore Lee Sr.

The Invocation: Rev. William E. Drew

Old Testament: Rev. Clinton L. Stancil

New Testament: Rev. Steven Cousins

The Decalogue: Rev. Joe Bywaters

Benevolent Offering: Rev. Leon Burley

Introduction of the Speaker: Rev. Grady Brown

The Message: Rev. Jackie Vaughn

Scripture: Matthew 9:36-38 Title: Understanding the time he was moved with compassion

Invitation: Rev. Benjamin Finnell

The Finance Committee came forth for the offering. The Bishop requested that each Minister give $200, plus an additional $200 for their spouse. Bishop Byrd lead with an offering of $400 dollars from himself and Mrs. Byrd. Total Monies received was 6,001, which was presented to Paine Theological Seminary.

The Presentation of the honorees for outstanding service:

Rev. L.C.Drew presented an award to John Henderson for his service.

Rev. Jonathan Rhone presented an award to Douglas MacArthur Moore, he was in route.

Benediction was given by the Preacher of the evening.














Kansas Nebraska Annual Conference

124th Session

1st AME Church, Kansas City, Kansas


September 10, 1999


7:00am Service speaker was the rev. HT Cummingham

Scripture Isaiah 40:31

Message Wings of Eagles

8:40am - Devotions by the Worship Leaders

9:05am Bishop called for the reading of the minutes. The minutes were read with the following corrections.

Finance Committee New total Bishop Byrd $400.00 check had been counted as $40.00 the new total was $6,361.00 last years total was 6,305.00

Preachers for the 7:00pm service was Jack Vaughn instead of Jackie

Rev. Carter sated the minutes should reflected when the conference choirs sings. That reflection has been added to the minutes

9:25am - Bishop Bryd called the Conference into session. With the continuation of the pastoral reports. The following reports were given with a copy reflected in the final minutes.

Allen Chapel Omaha Rev. Stanley Harris

Bishop complemented his report for taking time to recognized his Elder

Ward Chapel Rev. Euzell Ball

Myers Chapel Rev. Loyce C Clay

Rev. Clay presented the Bishop with a pen and umbrella

Bishop stated we should be free in the Holy Spirit

Mt. Olive Emporia Rev. Ben Finnell

Halls Chapel Newton Rev Farris

Rev. Marion Jones

Rev Jones stated after 46 years of ministry she would like to step aside from pastoring for a while even though she is no ways tired. She stated she knew the Lord did not bring her this far to leave her now. Presiding Elder Ted Evans moved she be supernumerary until she feels she wants to pastor again.

Rev Ronnie stated he would gladly have her as part of his staff at St. John

Allen Chapel Rev. Stanley Harris

Bethel Rev. William Drew

Wellington Rev. Viola Jones

The minutes reflected the presence of Mrs. Hugh the wife of the late Rev. Hugh. We thank God for her presence.

Claytor Chapel Rev. Albert Robinson

Grant Chapel Rev. Albert Robinson

Grant Chapel Rev. Slyvia Harris

St. Luke Lawrence Rev. Verdall Taylor

Quinn & Brown Chapel Rev. Margette Tinney

St. Paul Ottawa Rev. Leon Burley

Campbell Chapel Rev. Theodore Lee

11:45 Break for the Hour of Power

12:00 Hour of power

Worship Leader Rev. Leslie White

Pryar Rev. Shaun Menction

Scripture Rev Reben Eckels


Message Dr.. Cecil Howard General Connectional Sectary

3:15 Worship leaders

3:35 Rev. Ronne and Rev Cousins on behalf of the Omaha Wichita district presented the Elder with a scrap book

Rev. Frank Clay and Rev. LC Drew recognize Presiding Elder P. Albert Williams

Bishop then called for the finance report. Copy reflected in the final minutes. Report read by Rev. Steven Cousins. Rev. Hughes stated his name was left off the report.

Bishop called for the Sunday school Report. Copy reflected n the final minutes

Bishop ask the Sunday department and the Presiding Elders to sit down together

The Board of Examiners gave an addition to there and presented three candidates who were not present on Wednesday to the bishop.

Bro. Eden Local deacon

Angle Perryman Admissions

David Wayne Author Interinant Deacon

It was noted that Bro. Beikamn was not present because he had to return to Payne.

Session Closed at 4"35pm

7:00pm The Lay night service under the direction of Mr. Cedric Patton the lay president

The lay presented us with a narrative of our history as AMES.

Call to Worship by Bro. Cedric Patton

Prayer by Bro. Wade Banks

Scripture by Sis. Rosie Horn

Invitation by Bro. Harold Sheilds

The lay move us and challenge us to remember our rich history as those who have paved the way for us.

A copy of the program is reflected in the final minutes.









































Kansas Nebraska Annual Conference

124th Session

1st AME Church, Kansas City, Kansas


September 11, 1999



7:00am service with the preacher of the hour Rev. Verdall Taylor, Pastor of St. Luke Lawrence Kansas

9:30am Business secession


Frank Gray stated his name was pronounce Frank Clay

Rev. Steven Cousin indicated his name did not have a s on the end.

Lay night service was left off the minutes

10:00 am Election of trustees the following persons were elected

Elder P. Albert Williams

Elder Ted Evans

Rev. John Rhone

Rev. L.C. Drew

Rev. Anthony Hughes

Rev. Donald Baker

Rev. Kevin Calloway

Rev. Steven Cousin

Rev. Porshe Cavaitt

Rev. Leander Coats

-Lay Members-

Leola Marks

Spencer Ambel

Nadine Terry

Bishop stated that the trustee carry on the temporal affairs of the church

10:20am Bishop called for abandoned property

Rev. Jerome Jefferson talked about our church at Highland Kansas with only one member and no plumbing. The matter was referred on to the conference trustees.

10:37 Board of examiners made a supplemental report and presented the following persons to the bishop:

Ms. Sandra Kay Sutton-Nevils to be admitted on trail

Bro. Samuel Q Ksyer seeking local status

Bishop moved both be pass on!

11:00am Ordination Service

The preacher of the hour was the Rev. Dr. Simon Perkins, Pastor of St. James AME Church St. Louis Missouri. The 5th district Pastor of the year as voted by the lay organization.

The scripture lesson was form Jeremiah 12:5 The sermon was entitle " The Tragedy of Inadequacy" compelling the ordinates to be all they can be for Christ.

Bro. Calvin Eden and Sis. Sylvia Drew were Ordained as Local Elders

Bro. David Arthur and Willie Curry Ordained Itinerant Deacons

Rev. Willie Morris was ordained a local elder

The following persons were consecrated Deaconesses, Sisters Willie Mae Knight, Almentia Beard, Charlene McCalop, Loreen Norman, Lola Broils, and Mary Traylor.

The Rev. Arthur Carter, Minister of Music, Kansas/Nebraska Conference, directed the combined Kansas/Nebraska, rendering anthems, and songs of praise, throughout the Conference worship services, assisted by the Rev. Sylvia Drew, and Sister Albertina Jennings.

6:00PM YPD Service

The Kansas/Nebraska Y.P.D utilized their special God-given gifts in worship and as they presented the play, "This Train is bound For Glory." (Can’t touch that thing!); and are commended for the community service project at the Glanville Towers where each resident received a care package and floral arrangements for each floor.

Master of Ceremonies: Marion Jones

Call to Worship: Corey Lee

Prayer: Adia Bell

Old Testament: Donna Bell

New Testament: Janell Wright

Decalogue: Everett Fletcher

Welcome: Ashley Love

Offering: Tiniquea Saunders, Holly Brown and Ronald Marks Jr.

The youth adjourned to the YMCA for the youth night activities.







Kansas Nebraska Annual Conference

124th Session

1st AME Church, Kansas City, Kansas


September 12, 1999

2:00pm Memorial Service

Worship Leader: Rev. Leon Burley

Greetings: Rev. Sudie White

Hymn: Rev. Verdell Taylor

Prayer: Rev. Albert Robinson

Scripture: 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 Rev. Leon Burley

Remarks: Rev. Sudie White

The following Pastors were memorialized:

Rev. Glenda Warren

Rev. James Huff

Leroy Nesbritt

3:00pm Commissioning Service of the 124th Session of the Kansas Nebraska Conference

Call to Worship: Rev. L.C. Drew

Opening Hymn: Rev. Leander Coates

Call to Prayer: Rev. Clinton Stancil

Invocation: Rev. Clinton Stancil

Old Testament: Psalms 70, Rev. Stanley Harris

The Epistle: II Timothy 4, Rev, Johnetta Shelton

The Gospel: Mathew 10:1-16, Rev. Anthony Hughes

The Decalogue: Rev. Donald Baker

Missionary Offering: Rev. Euzell Ball

The Litany: Rev. Vernell Taylor

Presentation of the Bishop: Presiding Elder Evans

Sermon: Rt. Rev. Vernon R. Byrd

Scripture: Proverbs 30

Title: Two Things Before I die

1.) One Vanity and Lies

2.) Two Proverty nor Riches

Invitation: Rev. Andrew Rollins

Bishop called for Resolutions to be read aloud. The resolution was read by Rev. Johnetta Shelton. A copy will be reflected in the final minutes.

Presentation of Certificates

Certificates were presented by Episcopal Supervisor Mrs. Theora Byrd to the Womens Missionay Society. A copy of those certificates will be reflected in the final minutes.

Bishop Byrd recognized the conference officers, trustees, delegates both lay and clergy. A copy of those persons will be reflected in the final minutes.

4:22pm The Commissioning service began with the following appointments:




Pastoral Reports to be added!