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Affiliate Marketing Programs  Earn $$$ :Commision Junction , Fast click ,Jumpforce    

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  Welcome to       

                           Overview:                                                                                                                         This  web site  would  take  you  to  the  best  Affiliates  programs  that currently rules over the internet marketing world. The listed sites would guide to and open  the Advertisement  market to the  whole  world and provide  the  users to acquire  commissions  through it. This site would show you the list as well as put forward their rating with  respect  to the total money given away. Most  of  the  companies  gives away  money worldwide ( i.e. across all  countries )  This  companies  have their own tracking  system  that  detect  each  and every  transaction that appears through their link If one does not have a  web  page  to  get  started   he could  make  it  through Free web-page Hoisting services. Initially there are four types of Affiliates programs :

Pay Per Sale : In this structure of program the Advertisement company gives away some of the money they earn from the sales of their product made by  you. Any  affiliate  members who  joins their program and put the html code on their  web  page  and  get  some  users of your to buy their product. It is a program which pay higher amounts to their affiliates member.

Pay Per Lead : This is currently the most new and fast growing type of affiliates program.  Some  companies  give away money for only visiting their page and just filling up  their  forms , play  game , or just subscribe their newsletter. Their is no need to buy or sell any thing.

Pay Per Impression :  Some   Advertisement   Company   gives   away money  for  just  displaying  their  banners  on  your  site.  They  pay  in respect to no of visitors to your site. But the have  less  pay  range  and not like pay pert lead or pay per sale which yield high amounts.

Pay Per Click : It  is  one  of  the  most  popular  program  that pay the users when any body who visits on  your  site  and   just  clicks  on  the links of the advertisement company. But this program also pays less for e.g.  $0.15 per clicks

 Commision Junction    

 This Top Rated Program has in all about 1000 advertising members that would help the members to earn from their choice of stuff. It Pays for nearly all kinds of programs like Click, Impression, Lead, Sale. This company has given tremendous amount of money to their members......... 


Ratings Click here for Commission Junction    

 Like this program also has their members that pays to their affiliates members. their haven't been any complaints about their programs. and its flexibility is unique........




Programs are Rated in scale from to  where is the highest rating given.     

In the column 'type' the picture represents as follows =Click =Impression =Lead=Sale. 


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