Welcome to Meghan's World of Wisdom

Hey!  To all of you out there that don't have the privilege (yeah right!) of knowing me, my name is Meghan Phillips.  I'm 16 years old, I have curly brown hair, blue eyes, dimples, and stand at 5'8".  I live in the great and exciting town of New Martsinville, WV, where I am a junior at Magnolia High School.  I'm a cross country and track runner.  I'm not very good at it, but my team is awesome!   Last year my cross country team was third in the state (note, I wasn't running).  I'm currently the WV TSA State President!  I was State Vice President and Magnolia HS Secretary last year.  I hope to be elected to a National office next year.  Anyway, TSA stands for Technology Student Association and it flat out rocks!  There is so much to do and learn, plus it's a lot of fun.  I think we've got a killer state officer team this year with lots of potential to do some great stuff.  Magnolia HS has been the number one high school chapter in WV for the past 5 years in a row, so it's another plus.  I'm involved in a lot of stuff at school.  Last year, I was class secretary.  I'm also in National Honor Society, Service Club, Young Life, Spanish Club, and I'm co-captain of the Debate team.  I love to talk and argue (with reasoning), so Debate has been a great experience.  I hope to pursue a career in law.  I love music!  I sing along to the radio a lot and sing in church, but that's about it.  My favorites are Vertical Horizon, Jars of Clay, Goo Goo Dolls, N'sync, BSB, Hanson (yeah, I know what you're thinking, but it's actually pretty good), Splender, and Juvenile.  I'll listen to most anything though.  I just love music in general.

Well, I'm tired of talking about myself, so now I'd like to tell you about my friends.

Adam Herrick-Well, most people think he's my boyfriend of about 2 years, but we've never and never will date.  He's just my bestest pal in the whole world.  He's hilarious and he listens to me a lot.  He'll be at AB in August, majoring in Computer Science.  He's a really sweet person and has been my help at creating this lovely web page!  :)

Chrystal Kozora-Chrys, ya know I love ya.  You saved me a while back when I was having trouble with stuff and introduced me to Young Life and more importantly, God.  Good luck with Derek and at Muskingham.  I know you'll make a great vet.  I've spent too much time at the animal shelter with you not to know that.

Laurie Jane Ferguson-One of my CC and track buds.  We spent a lot of time together, obviously.  She put up with my complaining and has given me guidance all the way.  Anyone that can run 4 years of both cross country and track deserves a medal or honor!  She's the sweetest person I've ever met (be scared if she does anything remotely mean!), and is a really good Christian.  Good luck at Malone, you'll be a really good nurse Laurie Jane!

Emily Chilko-The outstanding voice on the 1999-2000 WV TSA State Officer Team!  She was our State Reporter and I'll really miss her!  Emily is really creative and original.  She's one of those people that is always thinking and you never know what they're gonna do next.  Have fun in Washington Em!  You're gonna go far!

Vanessa McNeely-This girl is the greatest speaker on the face of this earth!  She enjoys my love of talking as well.  She was the WV American Legion Oratorical Contest winner all of her high school career.  She's also a Magnolia HS Master Debater!  We kick rebuttal!  Always remember our time in Atlanta, National Conference 2000!  Good luck at WVU!

Chip "Midget" Holliday-Adam's Midget!  Chip is always there to do something when we're bored out of our minds.  He loves James Bond movies (I was drug to one) and rollerblading.  Chip is going to stay in town and go to WVNC.  He's still going to be hanging out with us, like always.

Lori Zeppuhar-Lori is the one and only Zeppie!  She doesn't care what people think.  If she wants something, she works and gets it.  She beat me in her only CC race this year, and she had a stress fracture.  Good luck at Fairmont and with Billy!

Michelle Moore-Michelle was on the Magnolia TSA officer team with me this year.  She's kinda shy, but a really hard worker.  She's a really good person.  Good luck at West Liberty!

John Ward-John is John.  What can I say?  He's a really laid-back person.  This will be my second year on the WV TSA officer team with him.  He's really good at building web pages.  We switched places, he is now VP and I'm President.  Have a great senior year at Clay High School!  Oh yeah, got one word for ya.......SWEET!!!

Emma Archer-Emma is good at everything.  She's a really hard worker.  If it doesn't come natural to her, she'll make it natural.  She's really smart and is an essential part of our cross country team.  In short, she's really fast and determined.  She'll be WV TSA Reporter this year and I know she'll do well.

Megan Delisi-Meggie-Bug!   The person that has made the most confusion in my life.  I never know when someone is talking to me when she's around.  Meggie is a great person though.  She's really energetic and you just have a lot of fun being around her.  She's really smart and pretty, she just makes me sick!  :)  She runs CC and track too.  She's a really hard worker and shows great potential along with everything else.  Meggie also has a lot of artistic talent.  Even what she thinks is terrible is a work of art.

Kirsten Bush-Ever heard of dynamite coming in small packages?  Kirsten is such a sweetie.  She helped me out a lot during cheerleading this past year, because I was clueless 99.9% of the time.  She's really good at gymnastics, she can do a lot of different flips and all that cool stuff.

Alese Wilson-Alese is one of those people born to cheer.  She's got a ton of spirit and a good cheering voice.  She plays the flute in band and is also really smart.  Alese helped me out in cheerleading this year too.

Patricia Baxter-She always finds a reason to be happy.  She likes coloring a lot.  Patricia cheers too.  She always looks likes she's having fun, like she gets into it really well.

Carissa Durig-Carissa is just cool.  She's a really good soccer and basketball player and she runs track.  I want her hair!  :)  She plays the drums in the band and is in the percussion ensemble.

Rachel Ruth-Rachie, as I call her, is a born athlete.  She loves soccer.  As long as I've known her, she's just been a tough person.  She's been the goalie on the Varsity soccer team since her freshmen year.  She's also really smart.

Eliza Gould-Eliza always has food.  :)  As much as I love it, you know we're friends, LOL.  She's a really sweet person and is a really good soccer player.  We go to the same church.  "Mary!"

Chris Grammer-Chris was my first real boyfriend, we met at the national TSA conference in Pittsburgh in 1998.  I'm not gonna get into all that junk right now though.  He's a really sweet guy, and he's a little too smart.  He loves playing mind games with me.  :(  Anyways, he's always there for me when I need to talk to someone.  He knows all my secrets.  Have fun at Park and enjoy your first season of cross country, LOL!

Autumn Ellis-Lil' Autumn is soooo tiny!  She ran cross country and track with me this year.  She beat me in her first race and it made me sick!  Oh wells, she's a natural at it and will go far.  She plays the saxophone in the band.  My lil' running buddy!

Lindsay Legg-Lindsay is a really bubbly and sweet person.  She's a parlie girl.  I met her in TSA last year and she's been such a good friend to me.  We talk a lot online, because of the geography thing...Clay and Wetzel County aren't exactly close together.

Kristin Scott-Kristin was on the JV cheering squad with me, but she got moved up to Varsity for the state basketball tournaments.  She deserved it.  She was the one person on the squad that took the time out to help me and she always had new cheers for us.  She plays the trumpet in the band.  Good luck with cheering Kris!

Linsey Cruickshanks-Lins is really cool.  She was WV TSA Treasurer this year.  It was fun hanging out with her.  She's a really good dancer too.  Also, a parlie girl.

Megan Backus-Another one of my Clay buds!  She's so sweet and has a heart of gold!  She's another one of the parlie girls, they are really good.

Meagan Samples-Meagan is awesome.  She was WV TSA Sgt-at-Arms this year and is now WV TSA Secretary.  She's a drummer too.  She's also a parlie girl.

Adam Simmons-Another Clay TSA friend.  He's really good with computers.  We talk online a lot.  We're both bored online a lot.  He's cool.  :)

DJ McGlaughlin-This boy has to be the sweetest guy on earth.  I've never had a disagreement with him and we tell each other everything.  He is really good with my guy problems.  :)  We met at the national TSA conference in Pittsburgh in 1998 and instantly became good friends.  I've never made a friend like him in that short of time.  I plays the trombone in the Wheeling Park HS band, and although I've never heard him play, I know he's awesome at it.  He's in love with a very lucky girl named Kari.  He's really smart too.

Sally-Ann Cruickshank-Sally-Ann is just like a big sister to a lot of people and me.  We actually met when we were running against each other for state office, she won though, and deserved it.

Lucas Kozar-I've known Lucas for about 2 years.  I don't know him very well, but he's really cool.  He's really smart and has a lot of ideas.  He's the WV TSA Treasurer now.  Have a great senior year at Wheeling Park!

BJ Cook-I met BJ about 2 years back as well.  He's really nice and can sing really well too.  He plays football at Wheeling Park and is the WV TSA Sgt-at-Arms.

Dennis & Andrew Winemiller-My favorite brothers from Braxton, LOL!  The only brothers I know from Braxton.  :)  Anyways, they keep me company online, because I'm normally bored to death.  Good luck at Fairmont!

Ashley Stermole-Ash is awesome!  She moved away in 8th grade to Ohio and moved to Texas last year.  We talk a lot online about that lovely subject of guys, LOL.  I love ya Ash!

Amanda Ferrell-Amanda has really cool red hair.  She's really sweet and really smart.  I still trust her to set me up on a blind date, even though there was that one mistake...we won't talk about that though!  :)

Valerie Moore-Val, as I call her, is a very sweet girl.  We used to play soccer together in rec league, but I switched to CC this and never got to play with her in high school soccer.  She's in TSA with me and she's very shy, but we corrupt her a lot.  :)

If I forgot anyone, tell me and I'll add ya as soon as I can!

Here are some things I feel strongly about (can you see my interest in law?):

The justice system.  People are given more time in jail for dealing drugs than they are for rape and even murder!  People want to use drugs!  I'm not saying drugs are good, but if someone wants something, as long as they're living, they'll get it.  But, if someone wants to go out and pretty much take away a person's soul, leaving them with a life full of hate, therapy, and possible diseases, they're given a slap on the hand!  I'm not talking about statutory rape, but rape.  I don't agree with pre-marital sex at all, but there has to be some level of consent there.  There wouldn't be a problem if the guy was 15 instead of 18, would there?  An average of 8 years in jail isn't enough, the people are sick in the head and will strike again!  And murder!  A life taken should result in the loss of the life that took the life.  There is good reason for self-defense, but when someone goes and ends another person's life out of hate, their life should be taken away.  The prison system is a bunch of bull.  We're paying for murderers to have computers, Internet access, cable, three meals a day, library access, and sometimes access to gyms.  Why do we want murderers to get more rights than some hard working Americans?  Come on!

Now, the lovely gun issue.  No, I don't own a gun.  Legally, I can't.  I've never even shot one in my life.  My family has a long line of war veterans though, people who have fought for their country and know how to handle a gun!   My dad and younger brother hunt and they should have every right!  They've never hurt anyone.  The government wants to talk about school shootings and deaths by guns and all.  Guns (not necessarily even used, but just shown) for self-defense deter murders.  I've done my research, I encourage everyone to read the John Lott Study.  More children die in buckets per year, read the facts!  I know a death of a child to any family is terrible, but accidents do happen.  Plus, the new laws Congress wants would not help law abiding citizens, but harm them.  A good citizen follows laws, however, criminals still wouldn't care!  We're trying to take protection away from the people that need it most.  Enforce what laws we have, there are over 1,000!  Plus, laws vary state to state.   Remember the Constitution?  "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people the keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  Well, everyone wants to say that this means the armed forces, however, this part of our constitution has yet to be amended.  In other parts of the constitution, "the people" means the individual citizen, not just the select people.  A militia at the time of this amendment was, quite frankly, a group of your buddies that got together, got your guns, and fought for your state or country.  It wasn't an organized militia as it is today.  What are these people in Congress wanting to do with all the guns out there now?  Haven't they heard of grandfather clauses or ex post facto law?  Did you know California passed a law banning all guns from the school property?  Now if someone sneaks in a gun illegally, the police can't even use their guns.  Track records can't be set because of the specific mention of gun fire to start the races.  Our lawmakers aren't thinking about the effects on the public, they're just trying to win another election by doing what is popular, not what is right.

Euthanasia.  There is big talk about assisted suicide.  Now if the person would put a gun to their heads and kill themselves, there would be no legal battle.  I'm a Christian and believe that suicide is wrong, but a person is guaranteed to the right to end their own lives.  The constitution gives us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We don't have to take the rights, but we're given them.  If someone wants to end their pain and believes that they will be better off dead, they should be allowed that right.  I'm not saying give anyone the right, but living wills and conmpetency are good proof.

Evoulution.  I'm of the Presbyterian faith.  Where it says "God created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested," I take it literally.  Many others do as well.  I'm not saying preach my religion or anything, but everyone should be able to believe what they want.  I don't believe that science is my creator and shouldn't be told that by our lovely public school system.  I believe that God is my savior and when my life ends I will join him in heaven, not that I wil just die and my soul will as well.  There are some beliefs that the seven days shouldn't be taken literally and that the old testament is just a collection of stories.  Should we not follow the ten commandments then?  Isn't Exodus in the old testament?  I don't feel like with the seperation of church and state that this is legal either.  They should keep their science stuff to themselves and believe what they want and when I'm in my own home, I'll worship God.  Some people don't have the money to send their children to private religious high schools like mine.  I shouldn't have to be fed the beliefs of others because of our financial status.   One final note to this.  "The Bang Theory: God said so, and bang it was!"

Time for links!

Run WV

React.com- Where teens make news

Burton's Page

Dennis' MIDI Page

Chris' Page

Lindsay's Page

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Picture Page 3

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