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Welcome to Planet Universe Comix Co. and the Universe Girl's HQ!

Hello, my name is Galaxy Girl, and I'm a superheroine. Welcome to the home of the Planet Universe Comics Co and the Universe Girl's HQ. Who are the Universe Girls, you ask? Well, it's me, GG, and two of my friends. Ya see, we're superheroines, and it's our job to protect all you happy people from the Earthly (And occasionally, un-Earthly) scum that threatens the world... This site is the home of my own non-profit comic book company. Unfortunately, the comics are all way too big for me to show to you via the Internet. So, instead, I will share with you the comics drawn out by the art of words, in a fan fiction format. I have to say, not much here now, but there will be soon! Oh yes, there will be soon! 6-21-02: JEEEEEZ... I really need to start updating more! Nothing new... sorry... -_- I am working on the text version of UG episode 2: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow... But things are kinda slow. Eh... Que, sera, sera...

Game Room! Clubhouse
Fan Fiction Rooml
Guestbook! End Table Hall of Fame NOTE: As you may know, I was originally planning to upload my actual comic books onto the site. Unfortunately, due to lack of disk space and lack of a fast modem, I am no longer going to be able to do that. Instead, I will put up the fan fictions. I know it's not the same, but it should make the pages run faster, and in the end it will be better than my original plan. I might plan on adding a few mini comics here and there, so don't despair if you were really looking forward to the comics. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your stay with or without comic books. ~GG