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Patrick Roy

Why I Like Patrick Roy

Here is a webpage dedicated to Patrick Roy. On this page you will find links to awesome Patrick Roy sites, info on Patrick Roy, and all sorts of Patrick Roy Pics! Enjoy!


Full Name: Patrick Jacques Roy
Birthplace: Quebec City, Quebec
Birthdate: October 5th, 1965
Family: Father- Michel Roy, Mother-Barbara Miller, Brother-Stephane, Sister:Alexandra, Wife - Michelle Piuze (who he met at a softball game), Eldest Son-Jonathan, Youngest Son- Frederik, Daughter- Jana
Favorite Pre-Game Meal
Position in Hockey: Goaltender (duh)
Catches: Left
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 192 lbs
Number: 33
Winter Residence: Parker, Colorado
Nicknames: Casseau (in french, that means the little box french fries come to "to go". When Patrick first signed with Montreal, he always ate junk food. His teammates picked up on this, and thats what they nick named him), St. Patrick

Did You Knows

Did You Know: Patrick Roy writes the names of his 3 children on his stick before every game?

Did You Know: Patrick Roy is very superstitious - ge dresses the same way before every practice and game, he eats the same meal the day of a game, and I've noticed he always prepares his crease the same way before the first period.


Patrick Roy Pics


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