Welcome to the grand preview of J and K's DOLL MALL! It may not look like much, but welcome to the doll mall, may I take your order? We also have a virtual hamburger stand, where you can drool all over your keybord, but you can't have any food!!! Ok, If you don't know how to shop, here's how! Click the arrow on the tab where it says menu. Click on the catagory you want to look at. Some of the doll shops went on strike because of abusage, so we no longer carry minis, celebs, doll stores, preps, Lil guys,wonderkins, and misfits, but the rest of the doll stores are very happy with our company! After you look at the dolls, if you decide that you want to get one, you either click on the doll with the right side of the mouse, view sorce and then copy the one you want. If that is to complicated, email me at katie_pearl@hotmail.com , and I will email the doll to you. If you can figure out another way, thats fine, just have a fun time shopping at the doll mall!!! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO BACK, CLICK THE BACK BUTTON ON YOUR BROWSER!!! .o. The Doll Mall .o.
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