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MFoR Enhancers

( Including Weapons, Armor & Magical Items )

All enhancers must be registered with the "Shops & Services Supervisor" to be legal, and must be listed in your profile. If an enhancer changes hands for any reason, it must be re-registered with the "Shops & Services Supervisor" in order to be considered legal.

How to obtain Enhancers

Magical Items and Weaponry Enhancers can be Bought in MFoR Forum Owned Shops, or from the MFoR Weaponry remember to keep the receipt of the purchase. Magical Items and Enhancers CAN be bought from the Forum for the Pre-listed price.

Base Prices are as follows

  • Each point for atk is 3,000 gps
  • Each point for def is 3,500gps
  • Each point for Rdmg is 5,000gps
  • Each point for dmg is 4,500gps
  • Stealth Item * 7,000 gp's
  • Perception Item * 7,000 gp's
  • *2+ is the highest for any Stealth/Perception Item.
  • *35+ is the highest for all Dmg Atk Def and Rdmg enhancers.

    Examples of Usage:

    + to Damage -

    Your dice are 4d65 and you use a sword of death +3dmg (roll and add as follows) Online Host : AkiruSpahr rolled 4 68-sided dice: 15 2 2 53 (total points 9+3=12)

    + to Defense -

    Your opponent rolls 4d96 - You have a sword with +3 Def. Online Host: AkiruSpahr rolled 4 96-sided dice: 35 7 73 52 (total points 25 - 3 = 22)

    +1 to Stealth - YOU are the TARGET of an Assassination , the Assassin has a +1 to stealth ring - In order to win perception YOU need to roll 3 points total Online Host: AkiruSpahr rolled 2 20 sided dice: 15 19 (total points rolled 2 - points needed 3 perception failed)

    +1 to Perception - YOU are the Target of a Thiefs Attempt and YOU have a +1 earring of perception - In order to win perception you only need to roll 1 point (2 points normally required) Online Host: AkiruSpahr rolled 2 20 sided dice: 17 5 (total points rolled 1 - points needed 1 Perception Won)

    In Addition To This:

    No item of any kind can exceed +35, and no item that renders the opponent automatically defenseless or dead, or allows the user to become invulnerable is allowed. (i.e. a wand of sleep, staff of death, shield of invulnerability etc.)

    ALL enhancers used MUST be stated PRIOR to the ensuing battle ( i.e. AA Atempt, DM, etc )

    Unless specified otherwise, each weapon's enhancer is all-around. Which means, if it's a +3, it would do standard +3 for AA's and DMs.

    Each person is allowed to own up to 8 Enhancers. After 8 have been bought that person is allowed

    NO MORE ENHANCERS (Unless they are to be a gift to a friend, in which, you cant use them)

    Enhancers and Magical Items CAN be WILLED to another person, upon the death of the previous owner, but it MUST be listed in the Will, and be re-registered in the New Owner's Name.

    Enhancers and or magical items ARE transferable from the following forums provided you can prove ownership (i.e. reciepts etc.) UGC, CoAG, FoE, CoR, RaG, RDC, & TGC.
