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Basic Rules

Basic Rules

  • 1.) If You are Bringing your Guild here, it Must Have AT LEAST 10 Members.
  • 2.) You can Transfer your old/current Forums Dice/XP to MFoR.
  • 3.) Enhancers & Magic items ARE transferable (See Enhancers)
  • 4.) You can be of Light/Neutral/Dark Alignment. This is a Neutral Forum.
  • 5.) MFoR Dice, XPs,& Gold MUST Go in your profiles.
  • 6.) Priests, Healers, and Freelancers MUST Get REG#'s Before Working.
  • 7.) It is required that each member be aware of these rules and or any changes made therein, so make sure your members recieve the link to the forum and check for updates.
  • 8.) Citizens must obey all the rules . Any problems or ideas should be brought up through the chain of command within each guild. The GC's will forward all missives to Brimstne15 for consideration
  • 9.) Log any matches you fight, and keep those logs somewhere safe, so your GC can spot-check your Xp's (Experience Point) and totals if necessary.
  • 10.) Running from a legitimate AA is NOT permited ALL members are subject to them at any and all times. Dying by way of an autodeath is the cowards way out.
  • 11.) Murders are NOT permitted in MFoR between brothers under ANY circumstances. If you are presented with an AA make damn sure they have a contract# If not then you needn't accept it's as simple as that. However if you are given a contract # and you happen to doubt its validity DO NOT run from the AA go ahead and accept it and continue as if it were and it will be checked out upon submission for approval.
  • 12.) If you lose a DM (Death Match),(depending on the terms) unless you are using the master account to RP (Role-Play), your Screen Name must be deleted within 24 hours, or you must cease to role-play under that screen name. Auto Rezz Matches are illegal. DM logs will be checked and followed through and permanent removal from the forum could result if the loser does not comply. Rezz may be granted under certain situations, a request to Rezz must be sent to Brimstne15, by the winner, with the proper Story Line attached. Akiru will make a final decision.
  • 13.) ALL G.C.'s will be required to submit a full and updated roster to the Council on the second Tuesday of every month . These rosters must include all members SNs please) within the guild AND their current positions held within the guild (this includes spies & assassins)
  • 14.) Notify Brimstne15 with any change of SN for Guild Leader or Second in Command. This ensures that you will receive communiques intended for the Forum.
  • 15.) ALL enhancers ( i.e. weapons, magic items, spells, etc.) are required to be registered with the forum. There will be NO transfer of enhancers from previous forums without express permission from Brimstne15.
  • 16.) All wars between guilds must be recorded with the War Advisor failure to do so can result in the loss of your position within the forum!
  • 17.) IMPORTANT! It has come to our attention that the moment anything untoward happens to any particular GC they have a tendancy to threaten and even pull their guilds from their current forums, rather than handle the problem at hand like a normal person would do they choose to run, be forwarned if such a thing as that happens that you as the GC should be aware that ALL other forums within the realm will be notified of your failure to comply and or follow the rules set within the forum of your own choosing, noone is forcing you to come here it is a privelige. Please treat it as such and you will always be granted the help and advice needed to solve nearly any problems that should arise.

    18) If your guild is caught doing illegal activity it will be striken from MFoR and credits meaning all reg#s dice exp gold and positions will be terminated. Further information will be given if you recieve a letter from us.

    19) We do not allow KAs and AAs in this forum. We do this because we think any one who wants to kidnap a child is sickminded and we do not want that image. We do allow AAs because we feel this is dumb and cheap. You may go out and get a reg# but not from this forum.

    Once again we welcome you all to...

