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The Story of Two Sweet Princesses

When our little niece came to visit, the first thing we were told is that she is really scared of dogs!
And was she ever! Let one of them even come close to her and she screamed her head off and literally climbed the person closest to her!

Using all the positive reinforcement methods I ever learned I gradually introduced my furkids to her. I hoped that she would tolerate a dog near her while someone held her.
Having accomplished that, I decided that I needed to get her to sit by herself with one dog! OK, TWO dogs. With much patience I was able to get her to sit with Jolly and Cosette:

Well, never being content to let a good thing alone, I decided that THIS sweet little princess and MY sweet little princess should have their picture taken together:

That went so well that I dared to accomplish the 'impossible'!
Could I get a little girl, who came to us "terrified of dogs", who IF one of the dogs came near her screamed in terror, dare I hope to get her to give my sweet Pap, Cosette a kiss?

Could I pull this one off?

Did you really have any doubts?