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This page contains links to files we are making available for FTP download. Click on the appropriate link under the Formats section of a file's description to begin downloading.

A definition of the file formats is available at the bottom of this page. All file sizes are approximate.


bulletWinzip 6.0
bulletDownload Item #3

Winzip 6.0

File compression  software

Formats: winzip32.exe (485 kb), 
Last updated: 20-Jul-2005


File transfer protocol.

Formats: lftp13.zip (624 kb)
Last updated: 20 Jul 2005

Download Item #3

This is a description of the contents of Download Item #3.

Formats: .zip (1,240 k), .tar.Z (1,480 k).
Last updated: August 15, 1997.

File Formats

.bas    Visual Basic source file, in text format
.exe    Windows executable program
.ps     PostScript file
.ps.Z   compressed PostScript file, for UNIX
.tar    UNIX archive file
.tar.Z  compressed UNIX archive file
.zip    Windows archive file
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Last modified: Tuesday March 19, 2002.