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LiLaZeNgUrL4yOo's wOrLd

LiLaZeNgUrL4yOo's WoRLd


.:LaSt UpDaTeD:. OcToBeR 1sT, 2001


I NeEd YoUr LoVe

I need you near meeh everyday to make my life much better..I need your soft lips to press against mine..your strong arms wrapped around me tightly..I need your reassuring voice to tell me that you love meeh..and your cute little smile that tells me your still mine..I need your delicate brown eyes to look into mine and say that you will never leave meeh..I need your strong heart to understand exactly how i feel when im not with sad it makes me to think that your not here to stand by my side..and how happie it makes me to knoe that you will be rite back in my arms soon..and most of all i need the special kind of love that onlee you can give me to complete my life...

Im faLLin ApArT wIdoUt yOoH

In my hear and in yours..i shall knoe forever more..that you do not love me anymore..what is life now is but a shadow of how it once used to be..without you it is no use to me..everywhere i go..i hear your it me that is to blame..without you i have no call to fame..without you my hear is lame..with out you my world ish take what i say now as a token..without your love my heart ish broken..

MiSsInG yOu

A candle burns at both of these ends..its a fire racing flame..yet my mind is cluttered full of lies..and all your answers still sound exactly the same..i dont knoe what to do..theres too much on my mind..there is nothin that seems the way it should..and were running out of time..this wick ish dissappearing..i need someone to tell me what to mind keeps tellin meeh its over..and im still missing you..



.:LaSt UpDaTeD:. OcToBeR 1sT, 2001


DiEd fOe LoVe

i met a boi..i loved him well..he love meeh too..i could tell..he cam and took my heart from meeh..and how he want to set me free..he sat a gurl apon his knee..and told her things he never told meeh..i went home to cry on my bed..not a word to my father that i had mother came home late that nite..she searched for meeh left and rite..up the stairz..the door she see meeh hangin frum a rope..and on the ground the note she found.."dig a grave..dig it a statue at my feet..and on the top please place a show the world that i had died for love.."

YoU aNd I

HOw come whenever someone says has to be you and i..we act as if we dont like each other..we both knoe its a lie..i like you but u like someone new..and that makes meeh so very blue..we talk to eachother and laughwith and and you..friends forever atleast that is true..but we could be so much more sweet as candy..or as bautiful as the moon in the lite and and i..

UnToLd LoVe

My onlee wish is to have you near..holding me close and take away my fears..if you could hear these falling tears..then you would understand what i truly see my friend..i have loved you for so long..but i wonder if i can still hold on..for i have kep this to myself and still cant show..the real love thats meant for you to knoe..but for now ill just sit here and wait..wait for thetime i can truly say..the things no words could ever express..cause time will reveal this love i feel..and slowly touch your hear that's still..


HeY tHeRe!! tHaNkZ fOe tAkIn Da tImE tO cOme tO mY pAgE..Itz KInDa UndA kUnStRuCtIoN bEkAuSe AsIaNAvEnUe keEpZ mEsSin Up My pAGe!! aHH!! hEhEH..WeLL fEeL fReE tO brOWeZ..N bEfOrE yOoH gO..dUn FoEgEtZ tO dRoP a LiL mEsSaGe iN mY gUeStBoOkiE aNd SaVE mEeH aS a frIENd aNd iLL bE sUrE tO dO dA sAme OkIEz!..THaNkZ..-LiLaZeNgUrL4yOo

aLL eYeZ oN mEeH

.:NaMe:. CiNdY

.:aGe:. fOuRtEeN

.:sTaTuZ:. sInGo

.:sEx:. gUrLo

.:LoCaTiOn:. SeAtTLe

.:nAt:. 100 pErCeNt hMoNg

.:sKoOL:. tYeE hIgHsKooL

.:hEiGhT:. 5'3 - 5'4

.:KoLoRz:. bLaCk, ReD, bLuE

.:sOnG:. aLL mY LiFe..fIrSt LoVe..My LoVe..OnE LoVe..PrAy fOr yOu..dOnT fOrGeT meEh

.:sInGeRz:. H.O.T..sHiNhWa..1TyM..aZn dReAmErZ..kAi..dEvOtIOn

.:mOvIe:. KiSs Of ThE dRaGoN..rUsH hOuR 2..O..

.:LiKeZ:. LisTeNiN tO mUsIc..wRiTiNg LeTtErZ..wAtChIn mOviEs..sWt gUyZ..eTc..

.:dIzLiKeZ:. sTiNkY pEoPlE..mEaN pEoPLeZ..pRePz..wHiTe wAshEd (eWwWh)..sNoBz..bItcHeZ..pLaYeRz..HoEz..

.:AiM:. LiLaZeNgUrL4yOo


!-ThA gUrLiEz-!










!-ThA fELLaZ-!


!-cHaN hO-!










sOrRie iF i fOeGoTz yOuR nAmE

sPeCiAL sHoUtOuTz

-=l rAtHaNa l=- hEy sExXaY!!..HeHE..WaSsUpZ?? meEh jUSs waNNa SaY thAnKz fOe aLwAyZ bEiN a sWeEt fRiEnD aNd MaKiN meEh LaUgH..HeHe..oH YeAh..THE WHEELS ON DA BUS!!..hEhEHe..ByE bYe..

-=l cHrIsTiNa l=- HeY cHrIsTiNa..tHaNkz fOe beIn mY beStEst fRieNdS..eVen doE wE dUn gO tO dA sAmE sKooL wE isH dOin prEtTie WeLL..HeHe..WeLL iF yOu eVer WaNa dO aNytHiNg hIt MeEh UP aLrYteZ..

-=l cHaN hO l=- hEy YoOh..HeHe..hOWz iT gOIn?..hOpeFuLLy gOOd..HeHEh..jUZ wAnNa sTaY tHaNkZ fOe aLwAYZ mAkIn mEeh LaFf WheN iM dOwN..iF yOu eVeR neEd MeEh..YoU kNoE wHeA tO kaLL..

-=l hUy l=- hI hUy..HoWz YoU n yOuR gUrL dOiN? hEheHe..WoW! wEe kNoWn eAcH oThEr fOe a LoNg TIMe NoW..HeHe..I HoPe oUr FrIeND shIp coNtInUeS tO gRow!! HEhE..beTteR tReaT yOuR gUrL rIte!! oR diE!! hAhAhA iM j/p HehE

-=l cAnDy l=- hOaNg ANd cAnDy SiTtInG iN a TrEe F-u-C-k-I-n-G! HaHA..EwWwH!! LoL..

-=l hOaNg l=- cAnDy ANd HoAnG sItIn In A tReE..F-u-C-k-I-n-G! HaHA..EwWwH!! LoL..

!!MoRe cOmMiN sOoN!!!

sEcKsI sEcKsI kAnG tA eYe KaNdiE


HeHe..WeLL dIs IsH aLL i HaVe RitE noW..HeHe..I hOpEd yOu iNjOyEd it!!..HeHe..cOme bAck aNy tIme tO cHEck fOe cHaNgEs OkIeZ!..oH YEaH!! sIgN mY gUeStBooKiE HeHE..THank You..WeLL iM oUtTiEz..tAkE kaReZ aLRyTE!! -LiLaZeNgUrL4yOo