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The "X" in the spelling indicates radical difference from normal comic books available on newstands. Underground Comix began to flourish in San Franciso in the late 1960's. They were as expressive and unrestrained as the counter culture that they grew out of. Taboos were broken. New productions and distribution channels were established and the usual themes became politics, drugs, music and sex. Usual print runs are 10,000 and seldom exceed 20,000. Compare this with low selling Marvel Titles which sell 100,000 plus and high selling - (who can guess?)

Comic Title:MINDS PLAY-THE METHOD OF MADNESS-Artist: Greg H. Swanson-Issue's #1-8-Issue between 1988/90-All first edition comix's!

Comic Title:TIMESCOPE-Artist: Greg H. Swanson-Issue #0-Issued in 1992-A first edition comix!

Comic Title:METAMORPHOUS-THE RIGHTS OF MAN-Artist: Greg H. Swanson-Issued in 1992-Issue #1-A first edition comix!

We have complete sets of all 11 comics available -signed by the artist or unsigned. These are SOLD OUT editions-3 tales-3 First Editions-black & white comix with 4 color glossy covers!

ALL 11 COMICS-UNSIGNED- $31.75 CAN. - $26.50 US.
ALL 11 COMICS-SIGNED-$42.75 CAN. - $37.50 US.

These are graphically offensive to some with obscene language, pictures etc.,
Loved by some...hated by others...but read and distributed WORLDWIDE!
