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Maxi's Cat Shrine

Even the cat has his own web page!
All cats welcome!

Greetings fellow cat fans. Here you will find pictures of my family's cat maxi. As you can see from this pages background, he is an extremely fat, old, and lazy cat, but we love him anyways. He has some health benefits, like teaching us relaxation tecniques. We have also used him for things like a paperweight and doorstop. Feel free to use these pictures any way you want to, but please give this site credit if possible. I apologise for the enormously huge loading times. The later pictures should be quicker to load since they are smaller.

Maxi's pictures

VMU animation


Click here to go to Cinnimon's Guinea Pig Shrine.

Click here to go to Misty and Pickles Cat Page.

Click here to go toChips and Bits. Home

It's the oriental looking cat!  Joy!

This Cat Ring site is owned by
-A.J. Jordan-.
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