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Welcome to....

*As you step into this vast world you hear the sound of thundering hoofbeats. A bay stallion approaches you quickly and skids to a halt just out of your reach. He is amazing. His long forlock and mane cascade down his neck and face. His sharp intelligent eyes see everything, they are baring into your very soul as he stares at you. His long slender legs, built for speed, are toped off with sharp shiny hooves and his muscular body is perfectly silhouetted against the full moon. He speaks.*Welcome to Acres of Freedom where you are the wild horse. I am *~CLEVER~*, ruler and king of all that lies inside AOF. *Bows* I welcome you here warmly. You can stay as long as you wish. And if you want to you may join. Its really easy to play and loads of fun too! *He raises his head and flares his delicate nostrils. Then he wheels away from you and gallops off as quickly as he came.*

AOF was hacked into but we have a new site up
** The NEW AOF**
Please understand it isn't done! If you have any of the links from the old aof send them to as soon as you can!