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*you walk gingerly into a dark place imbedded in weeds and brush. You see a extremely old tree to the side and walk toward it. You see that the tree has a bandage lying next to it. You go to pick the bandage up when you hear a loud call* HALT! NOW! *you turn and see a creature with bandages wrapped heavily around his face and back leg.*
*You wonder how he can see through to bandages* Ahh, so you don't know how I can see? There are other ways to see besides eyes, eh! I have faught in wars for my species, that is why I am this way. Now, I'll ask you nicely, please leave. Let me be, let me have peace!
Name Beidyz'Oriaan've (Shadowed Visions)
Age Adult
Species Mithrin'P'San
Gender Stallion
Sire Wild
Dam Wild
Mate None
From Mithrin'P'San Adoption

*you leave quickly, not wanting to make the Mithrin mad. You walk quite a while before you are not surrounded by trees, and are about ready to leave when you spot a lamb-like creature. It looks up at you and smiles*
HI! I'm Nillian! I'm a Lorriam, the first one in our realm! *he yawns a bit, then lies down on the floor and sleeps, or at least you think he is sleeping!He has so much fur that when he lies down, you can not tell much of anything!

Name Nillian
Species Lorriam
Gender Male
Parents Hawlef X Venuce
Mate None
From The Lorriam Envalope


Ears Sc
Ears E, e*
Tail t, t
Horns H*, h*
Forefeet f, f
Hindfeet u, u*
Nose Horn N, n
Beard B, b
