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OK!! THE STUFF ABOUT VIRII ON THIS PAGE IS ALL FAKE!!! GOT THAT??FAKE!! OK SO DONT GET ME IN TROUBLE ABOUT IT OK??And the stuff at the bottom of the screen is fake also! please, dont worry!!! its F-A-K-E!!! dont worry, nothing will happen! THANX!!!
(U)ltra (S)ayian (E)lite

Hi!! and welcome to the head quarters of the Ultra Syain Elite, this page is devoted to AvP (Aliens v.s Predator). now i know this site isnt very good, but this is like, my first ste in just straight HTML. Thanx for coming to my site!!!!!!!!!!!! and watch my little *probyl gay* cartoon!!!! /\/\/\/\/\/\_________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/This site is made for the clan on MPlayer.com called USE. USE stands for Ultra sayia-jin Elite. it dosent have any members yet, bearing in mind im still in another clan, so USE is still in planning stages. and try to right click!!! you will see that i like to play with the java's and say im uploading something!! its pretty fun though!! if you know the codes, you can do almost anything!!! like this page right here that ur looking at, was done completly in HMTL format, so like i said before, if ya know the codes, you can do almost anything (except a freezing java, i have not encountered one of those yet!!) ;)ok the "yes" and "no"sitting out there in the middle of now where mean, click yes if you want to join, and no if you dont want to join. click the link that says draw gokou to see a pic os SS gokou i drew!!

do you wanna join FAA? click the little "yes" or "no" down there!!
yes no
draw gokou

Click this picture of Chrono to go my friend's site!!!!! please go here!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont click the bomb..... it might just explode!

click this one to e-mail me

this page was created, and is run by KiA

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