Out Of Body




-----Sacred Circle Tarot "The Underworld"---










OBE Methods


OBE inducing methods based on movement imagination
OBE inducing methods based on visual techniques
Tunnel Visions by Chakra Stimulation
OBE-methods based on relaxation with inner body awareness
Some general OBE tips
Intentions and imaginations triggering OBE'S
OBE promoting imaginations
The "Castaneda Method"
Focusing on the solar plexus
Lesson One on Astral Travel of Robert Graham
Lesson Two on Astral Travel of Robert Graham
Lesson Three on Astral Travel of Robert Graham





OBE Theories


  OBE Related Phenomena
  Some pre- and post-OBE phenomena
  Theoretic considerations about the etheric and astral body
  The silver cord
  ASP - Awareness of Sleep Paralysis
  The 'Third Eye' and the pineal gland
  Observation of the etheric double  

NDE Experiences











  The "Ghost" of a Living  

 The Cathedral  

  The "Tunnel Vision"  

"The Terrifying Cathedral"    










Special Thanks to Alfred Ballabene

More about OBE you can find at this

(my personally favorite)site:






OBE Experiences

(direct links to Alfred Ballabene's OBE & Astral Pages) 


Letters Part 1

Letters Part 2