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Give your body away

If you had to give away one part of your body, what part would it be? You right arm? Your left arm? Your stomach? Your leg? Your brain? Your ears?

If you are like me, I bet you stopp for a little while and you feel that there is no way that you can “give” away one part of your body. It would be a great loss...

Stop for a little moment.. If you had to “give” away one of you senses, which one would it be?

The ability to see?

The ability to feel?

The ability to hear?

The ability to speak?

Right? You can’t choose between those, because you need them, you WANT to be able to see, hear, speak, feel etc...
See.... You need your body.. You don’t hate it.. You like that you are able to speak, see, hear, feel, walk and touch.. You need every little part of your body. And I am sure that you would fight for your life if someone tried to “steal” a part of your body away from you, am I wrong?

But on the other hand. See what is happening here.. The ed might cause you to lose parts of your body.. It could affect your ability to use your senses... The ed is stealing your body away from you...

Isn’t it time for us to stand up and find the edbegone –spray and really fight against this enemy? Maybe it is time to not look at the body as something you hate and can’t take, and try to focus on it as a great tool

Well. I am not sure if I managed to put words to my thoughts.. I just tried to tell you about what I have realized lately, that even though I all life have hated my body and wanted it to “go” away, I dearly love it, and would do anything to keep it and all the great opportunities it brings...

Where would you go, who would you meet, what would you do?

It's time for having a little bit of fun, not only focus on feeling, ed's and stuff.. Let us think about our dreams for a little while....Ready??

If you had plenty of money and could go anywhere you wanted, where would you travel?

If you could meet any person (or many) you wanted who would that be?

If you could have whatever job you wanted, what would it be?
