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My Soulmate

This is my soulmate Debra Campbell. She is a internationally known Psychic and Sagewoman and has opened many new and wonderous paths in my life. She is my Love, my best friend and my inspiration. She's everything I have ever wanted and needed in a relationship and I would shout from every rooftop how much I love her. This is a poem I wrote for her just to put on this website

Eternal Love
Early Morning mist embraces dreams born in Love’s eternal light,
Awaken sweet passion, Muse Amor,
None mortal walk that can behold the full beauty of daughter Venus incarnate of human rite.
No breath exhaled from my inner self can be as true to my heart as her,
The etheral veil desends to cover mine eyes less they be blinded by the presence she doth stir.
Mine quest for soul connection has followed a path that only Divine hearts hath dared to tread,
Without fear my steps stayed steady with joyous eyes I steered ahead.
From afar I heard her calling for another spirit true and free,
Though I must journey to the very stars to be worthy prophecy has declared it to be.
Our hearts now joined forever our love burns everlasting blinding light,
Never before have two loved so deeply, no fairy tale hath eneded so right.
Tomorrow lasts forever, our time as one can never die,
Silent ripples of ecstasy’s bliss encircle soul mates, bound and blessed by sweet divines sigh.
Love’s dream is not beyond any whom seek it with enlightend inspiration from above,
Through destiny’s plane I hath travled and seized the moment and found my Eternal Love.