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John George Haigh (The Acid Bath Murderer)



William Donald McSwann (?) 1944
Haigh's first known victim was the son of his
second and third victims, Donald McSwann and
Amy McSwann. He was murdered in a similar
method to all the others, incapacitated before
being having some of his blood removed for
consumption, then being placed into a large vat
of acid for decomposition into a viscous sludge.

Donald McSwann & Amy McSwann (?) 1946
Parents of the unfortunate William Donald
McSwann, both were killed in the same fashion
after being led along by Haigh that their son had
"run-away" to avoid being called up into

Archibald Henderson & Rosalie Henderson(?) 1948
Husband and wife were both duped by Haigh's
impeccable manner and respectability and were
later fated to be Haigh's new victims. Mr.
Henderson was taken to Haigh's store room
(much like his other victims) and disposed of in
his now trademark fashion. Mrs. Henderson was
lured the following day and met a similar

Olive Durand-Deacon (69) Died 18th February 1949
Mrs. Durand-Deacon killed while facing Haigh
with her back, whereby he promptly shot her in
the back of her neck. Haigh then severed an
artery in the body to extract some blood which
he then consumed. This activity later be referred
to in his trial in an elaborate attempt to plead
insanity. Unfortunately for Haigh, his activities
were viewed very suspiciously by a close friend
of his latest victim, which caused an inescapable
series of events which eventually led to Haigh's

Modus Operandi

John George Haigh methodically planned each
of his murders, with all three stages carefully
though out to prevent untidy, or messy finishes
to his activities.

The first stage was to isolate the victim from any
familiarity around them (escorting to his
glamorised "workshop", which was nothing more
than an adjacent room next to a factory). In all
of the above cases, his victims were always led
under a pretence of discovery, which was based
upon his initial friendship established with each of
them. Put quite simply, they had absolutely no
reason to suspect Haigh of performing anything
unusual, until it was too late.

The next stage was to cleanly render his target
incapable of responding to his attack (via the use
of a .38 Webley revolver). He concealed the
gun upon his person once he had coaxed his
intended target inside his workshop. Then Haigh
would seize any opportune moment to kill the
victim with as little effort as possible on his part.

Finally, and probably most difficult of all, was
the traceless disposal of the body (vats of
industrial acid). It was Haigh's mistaken (and
arrogant) belief that a corpse could be
completely disposed of via the acid.
Unfortunately for Haigh, certain parts of the
human body are more resilient to attack than
most people realise, either by their very nature
(such as teeth and bone) and artificial items (such
as dentures) and are usually picked up as trace
evidence by forensic experts. Haigh's false
assumption that murder could not be proved
without the body was to have lead to his

One other key element in all the murders is the
violations performed on the victims in the
consumption of blood. Though the murders
were very important to Haigh, he also saw the
need to sustain himself financially, and would
thus strip the body of any valuables that he could
use himself (things such as jewelry, and ration
cards which he later used for himself). These
would later be found at his home, which
provided further damning evidence against him.


The initial explanation that Haigh supplied was
that he was a vampire, and as such required the
life blood of the living to sustain himself. The
elaborate disposal methods he used on the
bodies afterwards was merely a systematic way of
ensuring that he would not be caught. Whatever
the decision, the jury were convinced that it was
a hasty ruse given by Haigh as part of an insanity
plea, to prevent him being hung. It took just 15
minutes for the jury to find Haigh guilty of his
crimes, and being very sane when he committed

It was a mystery how an intelligent boy from a
good home could be shaped into the cool, calm
and calculating killer which Haigh evolved into.
It eventually was left to Haigh himself to define
those seminal moments in his childhood which
would culminate into life shaping events.

His father was intensely religious, and as a young
child was embedded deeply into his upbringing,
with a focus on the more negative references in
the Bible involving "Satan", "Thou shall not..",
"Thy will not..." etc. This was also coupled with
very vivid dreams involving crucifixes
transforming into trees that wept blood (a
possible reference to the crucifixion of Christ at

An important point to note at this stage is that
whilst his childhood experiences may have had a
profound effect in his actions, he kept detailed
accounts of his murders, possibly as a form of
recollecting the events when he needed to
"re-live" the experience (as a form of "trophy").
These records make for a very disturbing, yet
fascinating reading into the mind of a serial killer.

{All Above Was Taken From Other Web Sites!!}


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