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Words are a powerful thing.
They can instill hope, thought,
memory and special feelings...
they come from the heart and are
our passion. They live inside all
of us and some it is easier to find
than others.

With this........
I dedicate this to cindy my confidante
whose warmth and beauty both inside
and out are displayed here in this page.
Whose words and heart through poetry has
captured not only me,but those of you
that are touched by her magic.
Please stop by,visit and bring friends.
Enjoy the special place that was created
to display her gift through her poetry...
Thank you for visiting !!!

Making Love

When we make love,
it is like sand through an hour glass,
a feather drifting slowly to it's unknown destiny,

A fluffy white cloud floating,
pushed wind, a gentle breeze upon my skin,
the bright rays of the morning sun
through mist on the pond.

A flower kissed by the morning dew,
the warmth you send through me just by
you touching me.

The sound of a rushing waterfall
flowing along and where it may end...
who knows

Making love with you is more magical
than to slide down a rainbow,
to catch tht falling star,
to have a real genie who
can make all your wishes come true,
and if I did,
my only wish would be to
always be with you.

A Gift of Ones Heart

It is for you, that I would do anything,
for you have captured my heart.

You hold it in your hands,
and you have from the start.
You have presented
me with a treasure,
one that i hold dear to my heart.

You've shared with me your heart,
and I keep it with me here,
it is safe with me, I promise,
and will be treated with
lots of love and care.

One day we shall join our hearts,
and you will see what great care
I did take...
How I handled your heart so gently.

For You

Give me all your secrets,
I will put them in a box for safe keeping,
there they will be safe.

For I will use a thousand locks.
Tell me all your wishes,
and i will make them come true.

Anything at any moment
is what i would do for you.
So, I ask you to remember,
that I am with you no matter
what or where you are,
I am by your side always and forever.

Just to Hold your Heart

I miss you so much,
my souls longing can
be heard by all.
I hear your name being
swept on the breeze.
So much, that the stars
don't seem as bright.

Sleeping is a saint,
a saint because I get
to be with him in my dreams.
At night, his presence is so
strong in my mind I can
feel his touch.

I can see his eyes
looking into mine,
I can hear his voice
as he whispers in my ear,
and i can taste his mouth on mine.

In the daytime, I can smell
his scent from a distant flower.
I want his sympathetic actions,
I'd give years for his
embarrassing phrases,
I'd give a lifetime for
his kind thoughts,
I'd do anything just
to hold his heart.


My feelings are as clear as glass,
my needs as dear as life and love,
My wants as strong as fear that haunts,
My feelings are so deep and true,
all this means is,
I Love You.

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